ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



李德红, 邢达, 谭石慈, 王维江

华南师范大学激光生命科学研究所.广东,广州 510631



关键词: 生物超弱发光; 光形态建成; 光合作用; 叶绿素; 绿豆; 花生

Ultraweak biophoton emission in mung bean and peanut

Li Dehong, Xing Da, Tan Shici, Wang Weijiang

Institute of Laser Life Science,South China Normal University.Guangzhou 510631,Guangdong


The images of germinating mung beans show that the light-induced biophoton emission is detectable after 40 minutes of light exposure. The longer the time in which seedlings were cultured under light, the stronger the biophoton emission was, and stronger seedling produced stronger emission. As for the light emission in the investigated plants, the strongest parts are the shoot apex and newly-formed leaf, followed by hypercotyl, cotyledon and hypocotyl, and roots are the weakest one. In respect to UBE of leaves at different developmental stages, mature leaf is strongest, the maturing leaf and senescing leaf are weaker, and the young leaf is weakest. Moreover, significant UBE was not observed either in extract of chlorophyll or in quickly-boiled-to-death young leaves. The UBE spectrometry of leaves and chlorophyll are characterized by similar features.

Key words: Ultraweak biophoton emission (UBE);Photomorphogenesis;Photosynthesis; Chlorophyll;Mung beau;Peanut

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李德红, 邢达, 谭石慈, 王维江. 绿豆和花生的超弱发光[J]. 生理学报 1998; 50 (2): .

Li Dehong, Xing Da, Tan Shici, Wang Weijiang. Ultraweak biophoton emission in mung bean and peanut. Acta Physiol Sin 1998; 50 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).