ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



唐旭东, 安黎哲, 王勋陵

兰州大学生物系.甘肃,兰州 730000


温室条件下,用0(control)、8.65 kJm~(-2)d~(-1)(T1)及11.2 kJm~(-2)d~(-1)(T2)不同剂量的UV-B辐射处理蚕豆幼苗。Ca~(2+)-ATPase及Mg~(2+)-ATPase的活性在辐射处理期间下降。在处理21d,T1和T2微粒体膜的MDA含量明显高于对照,同时IUFA急剧下降,且呈明显的剂量效应。14及21d时,膜磷脂的含量也明显下降。脂氧合酶(lox)活性在d7及d14与对照相比都显著升高,而21d后迅速下降。

关键词: 增强的UV-B辐射; 蚕豆; 微粒体膜; 膜伤害

Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on properties of microsomal membrane of broad bean leaves

Tang Xudong, An Lizhe, Wang Xunling

Department of Biology,Lanzhou University.Lanzhou 730000,Gansu


The properties of microsomal membrane of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) leaves exposed to UV-B radiation (Control: 0 kJ m~(-1) d~(-1); T1: 8.65 kJ m~(-1) d~(-1); T2: 11.2 kJ m~(-1) d~(-1)) were studied under green-hourse conditions. The activities of Ca~(2+)-ATPase and Mg~(2+)-ATPase decreased during the treatment and after 21 days of UV-B radiation the content of MDA was higher than the control and increased by 68.7% in T1 and 71.5% in T2 respectively. Meanwhile, IUFA decreased drastically, and was consisted with the strength of the UV-B dosages, indicating that lipid peroxidation occurred. The total phospholipid content was higher on the 7th day under T1 and T2 treatments but were lower on the 14th day and the 21th day. The activity of lipoxygenase was higher on the 7th and the 14th day and were much lower on the 21th day than the control.

Key words: UV-B (280-320 nm);Vicia faba L.;Microsomal membrane;Membrane damage

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唐旭东, 安黎哲, 王勋陵. 增强UV-B辐射对蚕豆叶片微粒体膜一些性质的影响[J]. 生理学报 1998; 50 (2): .

Tang Xudong, An Lizhe, Wang Xunling. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on properties of microsomal membrane of broad bean leaves. Acta Physiol Sin 1998; 50 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).