ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q




中国农业大学植物营养系.北京 100094



关键词: 豌豆; 乙烯; 顶端优势; 细胞分裂素; AVG

Role of ethylene in apical dominance of pea plants

Li Chunjian

Department of Plant Nutrition,China Agricultural University.Beijing 100094


The application of synthetic cytokinin BAP and CPPU to the second node of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) stimulated the growth of lateral buds, and a concomitant increase of ethylene production. Decapitation or treatment with AVG also induced growth of the lateral buds, but ethylene production was even less than the control. The number, length and weight of lateral buds induced by treatments with CPPU, BAP and AVG were positively correlated to the increase of the concentration of endogenous IAA in the treated tissues. The results demonstrated that ethylene was not directly involved in apical dominance.

Key words: Pea;Ethylene;Apical dominance;Cytokinin;AVG

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李春俭. 乙烯在豌豆植株顶端优势中的作用[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (3): .

Li Chunjian. Role of ethylene in apical dominance of pea plants. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).