ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



武海, 张树源, 许大全, 郭连旺, 沈允钢

中科院西北高原生物研究所. 青海, 西宁 810001;中科院上海植物生理研究所. 上海 200032


用脉冲调制荧光仪观测了珊瑚树叶片叶绿素荧光非光化学猝灭(q_(E))的日变化和季节变化后发现:在晴天,q_(E)及其慢弛豫组分(q_(E-slow))随着光强的增加而升高,中午达最高值,之后随光强的减弱而下降;阴天时,这两个指标的日变化不明显。在不同季节,相同日时间和同一光照强度下测定珊瑚树叶片的q_(E)和q_(E-slow),两个指标在冬季明显高于春、 秋两季;在短时间(1 d)内改变强光下的叶片周围的温度,叶片的q_(E)和q_(E-slow)在高温和低温下均高于适温下测定的结果。

关键词: 叶绿素荧光; 非光化学猝灭; 日变化; 季节变化; 非辐射能量耗散; 珊瑚树

Diurnal and seasonal variations of non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in sweet viburnum leaves

Wu Hai, Zhang Shuyuan, Xu Daquan, Guo Lianwang, Shen Yungang

Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology,The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xining 810001, Qinghai; China


Diurnal and seasonal changes innon-photochemical quenching of chlor-ophyll fluorescence in sweet viburnum were observed with a modulated fluorimeter,in order to explore the regularities of the radiationless energy dissipation under natural conditions.On clear days,non-photochemical quenching (q_(E)) and its slowly-relaxing component(q_(E-slow)) rose with an increase of sunlight intensity, and reached their maxima at noon, then declined with the decrease of sunlight intensity.On cloudy days,however,the changes of q_(E) and q_(E-slow) were not significant.The q_(E) and q_(E-slow) measured in winter were higher than those measured in spring and autumn. The q_(E) and q_(E-slow) measured at both high and low temperatures were higher than those measured at optimum temperature. These results indicate that the predominant factors causing the diurnal and seasonal changes in non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in sweet viburnum are sunlight intensity and air temperature,respectively.

Key words: Chlorophyll fluorescence;Non-photochemical quenching;Diurnal variation;Seasonal variation;Radiationless energy dissipation;Sweet viburnum

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武海, 张树源, 许大全, 郭连旺, 沈允钢. 珊瑚树叶片叶绿素荧光非光化学猝灭的日变化和季节变化[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (2): .

Wu Hai, Zhang Shuyuan, Xu Daquan, Guo Lianwang, Shen Yungang. Diurnal and seasonal variations of non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in sweet viburnum leaves. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).