ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



段俊, 梁承邺, 黄毓文

中科院华南植物研究所. 广东, 广州 510650


在杂交水稻开花期间, 通过剪去穗部部分枝梗和叶片等处理, 形成不同的库源比, 叶片衰老的生理生化指标变化和结实率的测定表明, 杂交水稻组合的库源矛盾大,叶片衰老快; 但谷粒数与旗叶面积比不一定高, 降低库源比,能明显减缓杂交水稻叶片中蛋白质、叶绿素含量及倒3、4、5片叶叶绿素含量的平均值与旗叶叶绿素含量的比率的下降和丙二醛含量的升高。这些都说明杂交水稻叶片功能早衰与其库源矛盾较大有关。

关键词: 杂交水稻; 叶片衰老; 库源矛盾; 结实率

Studies on leaf senescence of hybrid rice at flowering and grain formation stage

Duan Jun, Liang Chengye, Huang Yuwen

South China Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong


After sink/source ratio was altered byclipping part of spike and/or leaves of hybrid rice combination at flowering stage, some physiological and biochemical indices and seed setting percentage were determined. The results indicate that: in comparison with conventional rice,hybrid rice has a larger gap between the demand of the sink and the supply by the source and faster rate of leaf senescence,4). However, the ratio between the number of grains and flag leaf area is not always higher in hybrid rice. Reducing sink/source ratio significantly delayed hybrid rice senescence as indicated by higher chlorophyll and protein levels and lower malondialdehyde (MDA) content in leaf and higher ratio of Chl contents between the 3rd,4th, 5th leaf from top and the flag leaf compared with the controls. The above results indicate that hybrid rice leaf senescence is related with sink/source ratio.

Key words: Hybrid rice;Leaf senescence;The gap between the demand of the sink and supply by the source;Setting Percentage

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段俊, 梁承邺, 黄毓文. 杂交水稻开花结实期间叶片衰老[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (2): .

Duan Jun, Liang Chengye, Huang Yuwen. Studies on leaf senescence of hybrid rice at flowering and grain formation stage. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).