ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



刁丰秋, 章文华, 刘友良

南京农业大学农学系. 江苏, 南京 210095


盐胁迫下大麦叶片类囊体膜蛋白和叶绿素含量以及叶绿素a/叶绿素b、磷脂/膜蛋白和膜脂结合半乳糖/膜蛋白的比值下降,膜脂中亚麻酸(18∶3)摩尔百分数上升,不饱和指数上升, 类囊体膜H~(+)-ATPase活性先升后降,希尔反应一直呈较高活性。类囊体膜组分和功能的变化可能与植物盐适应有关。

关键词: 盐胁迫; 大麦; 类囊体; 膜脂; H~(+)-AT-Pase; 希尔反应

Changes in composition and function of thylakoid membrane isolated from barley seedling leaves under salt stress

Diao Fengqiu, Zhang Wenhua, Liu Youliang

Department of Agronomy, Nanjing Agricultural University. Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu


Apparent photosynthesis in barley leaves decreased at the beginning of salt stress and recovered partialy after 4 d. The contents of thylakoidmembrane protein, Chl aand Chl b, the Chl a/Chl b ratio decreased under salt stress. The ratios of phospholipid/protein, galactose in lipids/protein and phospholipid/galactose in lipids decreased. The fatty acid compositions in thylakoid membrane changed under salt stress. Because the content of linolenic acid increased and the others with lower degree of unsaturation decreased, the USFA/SFA and IUFA of salt stress increased.The activity of H~(+)-ATPase in thylakoid membrane was higher at the beginning,and then became lower, and the Hill-reaction activity was higher than the control under salt stress.

Key words: Salt stress;Barley;Membrane;Lipid;H~(+)-ATPase;Hill-reaction

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刁丰秋, 章文华, 刘友良. 盐胁迫对大麦叶片类囊体膜组成和功能的影响[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (2): .

Diao Fengqiu, Zhang Wenhua, Liu Youliang. Changes in composition and function of thylakoid membrane isolated from barley seedling leaves under salt stress. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).