ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张慧, 周骏马, 郭岩, 陈受宜

中科院遗传研究所植物生物技术实验室. 北京100101


不同盐(NaCl)浓度的水培条件下,水稻耐盐突变体M-20幼苗生长及生存能力优于其原始品系77-170,膜透性测定表明盐胁迫对M-20质膜的损伤较小;同时,外界盐浓度小于100 mmol/L时,M-20幼苗根、地上部的钠离子含量低于其原始品系。土培幼苗浇灌盐水(100 mmol/L)时,M-20成熟及生长叶片的内源ABA 水平增加时期晚于原始品系,增幅也小;而游离脯氨酸的增加时期虽晚,但增幅远高于原始品系。

关键词: 水稻; 耐盐突变体; 盐胁迫; 耐盐性

A physiological study on the salt-tolerant mutant of rice

Zhang Hui, Zhou Junma, Guo Yan, Chen Shouyi

Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Institute of Genetics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing 100101


The salt-tolerant mutant rice (Oryza sativa subsp. japonica) M-20 and its original line 77-170 were selected for investigation of their physiological responses to salt stress in a hydroponic system. The seedlings of the line M-20 exhibited less growth inhibition, better survival ability and less membrane damage under salinized conditions in comparison with that of the line 77-170. These differences were associated with maintenance of significantly higher leaf water content in M-20 than that in 77-170. When the soil-grown rice seedlings were irrigated with saline water, the growing and matured leaves of the mutant line showed a less and later increase in endogenous ABA contect than that of its original line. The increase of the level of free proline in the mutant line occurred later but was higher. The possible mechanisms of salt tolerance of the mutant are discussed.

Key words: Rice;Salt tolerant mutunt;Salt stress;Salt tolerance

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张慧, 周骏马, 郭岩, 陈受宜. 水稻突变体M-20的耐盐生理特性[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (2): .

Zhang Hui, Zhou Junma, Guo Yan, Chen Shouyi. A physiological study on the salt-tolerant mutant of rice. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).