ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



高连如, 赵云涛, 朱智明, 石湘芸, 熊鉴然, 杨晔, 唐朝枢

解放军海军总医院.北京 100037;北京医科大学心肺内分泌研究室.北京 100083



关键词: 肥胖蛋白剂; 小鼠

Distribution of obese protein in the mouse tissue

Gao Lianru, Zhao Yuntao, Zhu Zhiming, Shi Xiangyun, Xiong Jianran, Yang Ye, Tang Chaoshu

Navy General Hospital, People^s Liberation Army. Beijing 100037; China


In the present study, the contents of obese protein of tissue from liver, brain, abdominal wall fat, skeletal muscle and the contents of plasma OP of mice were measured with radio immunoassay. The results showed that the contents of OP were much higher in the brain than that in the abdominal wall fat tissue (P<0.01). The liver and the skeletal muscle tissue did not show the presence of OP. The contents of OP of abdominal wall fat tissue were lower in the female than that in the male mice (P<0.05).

Key words: Obese protein mouse;Tissue

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高连如, 赵云涛, 朱智明, 石湘芸, 熊鉴然, 杨晔, 唐朝枢. 肥胖蛋白在小鼠组织的分布[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (2): .

Gao Lianru, Zhao Yuntao, Zhu Zhiming, Shi Xiangyun, Xiong Jianran, Yang Ye, Tang Chaoshu. Distribution of obese protein in the mouse tissue. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).