ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



周吕, 罗洁新

医科院基础医学研究所、中国协和医科大学基础医学院生理研究室.北京 100005


五肽胃泌素(G5)能够引起胃体、胃窦、幽门平滑肌细胞收缩,并对胃窦作用最强。在G5 4×10~(-8)-16×10~(-8)mol/L剂量范围内,呈剂量依赖性。丙谷胺或抗胃泌素血清可以阻断G5对胃肌细胞的收缩反应,而阿托品则不影响G5的作用。G5与乙酰胆碱对平滑肌细胞收缩有相加作用。胞内钙释放阻断剂TMB-8可抑制G5对胃肌细胞的收缩作用。G5作用于胃窦平滑肌细胞后胞内游离Ca~(2+)显著上升。

关键词: 胃平滑肌细胞; 五肽胃泌素; 收缩; 游离钙

Role of cytosolic calcium release on gastrin induced contraction of gastric muscle cells of rat

Zhou Lu, Luo Jiexin

Department of Physiology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, CAMS and School of Basic Medicine, PUMC. Beijing 100005


The present study was conducted to investigate the contractile effect of pentagastrin (G5) on isolated smooth muscle cells of rat stomach and role of cytosolic-free calcium ([Ca~(2+)]_(i)) release during contraction of gastric muscle cells induceed by G5. The results were as follows: (1) G5 induces contraction of smooth muscle cells isolated from gastric body, anturm and pylorus, in a dose-dependent manner from 4×10~(-8) mol/L to 16×10~(-8)mol/L, with the maximal effectiveness in antrum. (2) The action of G5 can be blocked by proglumide and anti-gastrin serium, but not by atropine. (3) The effect of acetylcholine and G5 are adtive when administrated simulataneously (4) Inhibitor of intracellular Ca~(2+) release TMB-8 could also suppress the G5 effect. (5) The effect of G5 could be seen accompaning significant increase of intracellular Ca~(2+) concentration.

Key words: Isolated gastric smooth muscle;Pentagastrin;Contraction;Free calcium

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周吕, 罗洁新. 胞内钙释放在胃泌素引起胃平滑肌细胞收缩中的作用[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (2): .

Zhou Lu, Luo Jiexin. Role of cytosolic calcium release on gastrin induced contraction of gastric muscle cells of rat. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).