ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



潘胜军, 周兆年

中科院上海生理研究所.上海 200031


在正常细胞外钾离子水平下,急性低氧只能引起部分钾离子外流减少,该部分电流对ATP敏感钾通道阻断剂优降糖(glibenclamide,5×10~(-3)mmol/L)不敏感。在高钾灌流下,低氧10 min 后即能引起外向钾电流的明显增加,同时细胞发生不可逆的收缩。I-V曲线随复极增加呈线性变化,并能被优降糖抑制。

关键词: 低氧; ATP敏感钾通道; 高钾

Effect of acute hypoxia on ATP-sensitive potassium current in ventricular myocytes of guinea-pig

Pan Shengjun, Zhou Zhaonian

Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200031


The role of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel in arrhythmogenesis is not clearly understood. Cellular K~(+) loss and accumulation of [K~(+)]_(0) may contribute to genesis of malignant ventricular arrhythmia during myocardial ischemia. In the present study, acute hypoxia simply caused a partial decrease in K~(+) efflux at normal [K~(+)]_(0),which was not sensitive to glibenclamide (5×10~(-3) mmol/L). However, at a higher concentration of [K~(+)]_(0) (10.8 mmol/L), the outward K~(+) current increased dramatically after 10 min hypoxia, which was accompanied with an irreversible hypercontracture and eventual death of the cell. The I-V relation was liner with increasing repolarization,which was blocked by glibenclamide, an antagonist of ATP-sensitive potassium channel. The results suggest that the increased K~(+) current is ATP-sensitive and is facilitated by accumulation of the [K~(+)]_(0).

Key words: Hypoxia;ATP-sensitive potassium channel;High K~(+)

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潘胜军, 周兆年. 急性低氧对心室肌ATP敏感钾电流的影响[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Pan Shengjun, Zhou Zhaonian. Effect of acute hypoxia on ATP-sensitive potassium current in ventricular myocytes of guinea-pig. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).