ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



周寿康, 赵伟, 毛全福, 唐威, 何志英, 顾敦瑜, 蒋文珏

上海市计划生育科学研究所.上海 200032


应用ABC亲和组织化学顺序、MIS-I计算机图象处理系统测定外源性LHRH刺激雄性大鼠LH分泌高峰前后LH细胞面积、细胞内液泡面积和细胞形状等形态参数的变化。结果表明:雄性大鼠LH基础分泌时,LH细胞处于贮存状态:大细胞(>340 #mu#m~(2))占LH阳性细胞56.7%,小细胞(<190 #mu#m~(2))占2.2%,40%细胞内含有大量液泡,细胞形状大多偏向圆形。注射LHRH 30 min后, 血中LH浓度显著升高,LH细胞平均面积明显减小;60 min 时,血中LH释放达到高峰,相应的形态学特征是大细胞降低至4%,小细胞增加到66%。随着细胞内液泡的大量消失,52.6%的细胞偏向不规则形状。LH分泌高峰后,血液LH浓度逐渐恢复到基础分泌水平,但随着细胞内LH贮存的增加,细胞和细胞内液泡平均面积逐渐增加,大多数细胞又偏向圆形。

关键词: 促黄体生成激素细胞; 液泡; 分泌高峰; LHRH; 图象分析

An image analysis of the morphological changes of LH cells during LH release peak induced by LHRH in male rats

Zhou Shoukang, Zhao Wei, Mao Quanfu, Tang Wei, He Zhiying, Gu Dunyu, Jiang Wenjue

Department of Reproductive Biology, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research. Shanghai 200032


The relationship between the peak of LH release induced by exogenous LHRH and morphological change of LH cells in male rats was investigated by ABC Affinity histochemistry and qualitatively characterized by Medical Image Processing System-I. The serum LH concentration was determined by RIA. During the period of basal secretion of LH (3.76±0.39 ng/ml), the LH cells might be assigned at a storage state. Most of such cells (56.7%) are round and large, and their cross sectional areas are larger then 340 #mu#m~(2), usually containing large vacuoles, while the smaller cells of X-sectional area less then 190 #m3#m~(2) counted only 2% of the total population. Thirty minutes after injection of LHRH the serum LH level increased significantly (6.46±1.6 ng/ml,P<0.01), there appeared a lot of small angular cells, the average cross sectional areas of LH cells decreased significantly(P<0.0001). When LHRH was injected at sixty minutes, the LH level reached a peak (18.78±0.79 ng/ml), the number of the large cells decreased to only 4%, while the small cells increased to 66%, vacuoles were almost disapperanced and a large part of cells (52.6%) became irregular. Thereafter, the LH serum gradually subsided to its original basal level with attendant resumption of the morphology of the LH cells at storage state. It appears that the morphological changes, such as size, shape, vacuoles and so on , of the LH cells may serve as an important index for showing the effect of LHRH on LH secretion.

Key words: Pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) cell;Vacuoles;Releare peak;LHRH;Image analysis

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周寿康, 赵伟, 毛全福, 唐威, 何志英, 顾敦瑜, 蒋文珏. LHRH刺激雄性大鼠垂体LH分泌高峰时细胞形态变化的图象分析[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Zhou Shoukang, Zhao Wei, Mao Quanfu, Tang Wei, He Zhiying, Gu Dunyu, Jiang Wenjue. An image analysis of the morphological changes of LH cells during LH release peak induced by LHRH in male rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).