ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



阮怀珍, 李希成, 蔡文琴

第三军医大学生理教研室.重庆 630038;第三军医大学组胚教研室.重庆 630038


应用痛阈测定及免疫组化法,探讨生长抑素(SST)对脊髓P物质(SP)痛觉调制作用的影响。结果表明,鞘内注射(it)SST(10#mu#g)可使痛阈提高,并可抑制SP引起的痛反应及脊髓c-fos表达;大鼠足底注射福尔马林(For)不仅引起痛反应,还可使脊髓SP样免疫反应物(SP-LI)增加,而it SST可抑制For引起的痛反应及脊髓SP-LI增多效应。说明SST可通过抑制SP及其引起的伤害性反应而产生镇痛作用。

关键词: P物质; 生长抑素; 原癌基因c-fos; Fos蛋白; 脊髓; 免疫组化

Somatostatin inhibited pain modulation action of substance P in spinal cord

Ruan Huaizhen, Li Xicheng, Cai Wenqin

Department of Physiology,Third Military Medical College.Chongqing 630038;China


In the present study, the effect of somatostatin (SST) on pain modulation induced by substance P in spinal cord was studied. The results showed that intrthecal injection of SST increases pain threshold, prevented pain response and c-fos expression in spinal cord induced by SP.Injection of formalin in the hindpaw induced pain response and increased the SP-LI,which could be inhibited by injection of SSt. It is suggested that the analgesic effect of SST may be resulted from the inhibition of the noxious response induced by SP.

Key words: Substance P;Somatostatin;Proto-oncogene c-fos;Fos protein;Spinal cord;Immunohistochemistry

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阮怀珍, 李希成, 蔡文琴. 生长抑素对脊髓P物质痛觉传递的抑制作用[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Ruan Huaizhen, Li Xicheng, Cai Wenqin. Somatostatin inhibited pain modulation action of substance P in spinal cord. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).