ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



郭涓, 殷伟平, 黄伟秋, 徐斌, 钱忠明

苏州医学院生理学教研室.江苏,苏州 215007;香港理工大学应用生物及化学科技学系.香港


杏仁中央核(CeA)内微量注射促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CHR)产生剂量依赖性血压升高,这种升压效应一般出现在注射后5 min 左右,可维持1h以上。CeA内给予CRH 受体拮抗剂#alpha#-helical CRH_(9-41),能取消CeA 内注射CRH引起的升压效应。侧脑室内给予纳洛酮,显著减弱CeA内注射CRH引起的升压效应。NTS内给予#alpha#-helical CRH_(9-41),显著减弱CeA中CRH引起的升压效应。

关键词: 杏仁中央核; CRH; CRH受体拮抗剂; 纳洛酮; 孤束核; 血压

Effect of microinjection of CRH into rat central nucleus of amygdala on blood pressure and its central mechanism

Guo Juan, Yin Weiping, Huang Weiqiu, Xu Bin, Qian Zhongming

Department of Physiology, Suzhou Medical College.Suzhou 215007,Jiangsu;China


(1)Microinjection of Corticotropin releasing hormone(CRH)100,500 ng into the tral nucleus of amygdala(CeA) produced a dose-dependent increase in blood pressure. The response occurred 5 min after injection and lasted for at least 1 h .(2) The response could be blocked by injection of CRH receptor antagonist #alpha#-helical CRH_(9-41) into CeA. (3) Lateral ventricle injection of naloxone could also attenuate the pressor response of CRH. (4) After injection of #alpha#-helical CRH_(9-41) into nucleus of soltary tract, the pressor response of CRH was diminished.

Key words: Central nucleus of amygdala;Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH);CRH receptor;Antagonist;Naloxone nucleus of solitary tract;Blood pressure

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郭涓, 殷伟平, 黄伟秋, 徐斌, 钱忠明. 大鼠杏仁中央核内注射CRH对血压的影响及其中枢机制初探[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Guo Juan, Yin Weiping, Huang Weiqiu, Xu Bin, Qian Zhongming. Effect of microinjection of CRH into rat central nucleus of amygdala on blood pressure and its central mechanism. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).