ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



马秀英, 孙光启, 何瑞荣

河北医科大学基础医学研究所生理室. 河北,石家庄 050017


在切断两侧缓冲神经和迷走神经的麻醉大鼠,观察心室内注射腺苷及其同系物对肾交感神经传出活动的影响。心室内冲击注射腺苷(0.5#mu#mol/kg,0.1 ml)时,肾交感神经传出放电(RSNA)增加41.9±6.08%(P<0.001),并引起平均动脉血压(MAP)先短暂升高1.39±0.19kPa(P<0.001)和随后下降3.74±0.64kPa(P<0.001),以及心率(HR)减慢95±14 bpm(P<0.001)。为了确定何种受体亚型介导腺苷所致 RSNA 增加,又分别应用了选择性腺苷A_(1)受体激动剂[(—)-N~(6)-(2-Phenylisopropyl)adenosine,R-PIA]和A_(2)受体激动剂[5'-(N-ethylcarboxamido)adenosine,NECA]。无论R-PIA(0.05 #mu#mol/kg,0.1 ml)或NECA(0.05 #mu#mol/kg,0.1 ml)均使MAP下降和HR减慢,且作用持续时间较腺苷的明显延长;R-PIA使RSNA增加31.6±5.21%(P<0.001),但NECA对RSNA无明显影响。选择性腺苷A_(1)受体拮抗剂(8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine,DPCPX)可完全抑制腺苷对RSNA的兴奋效应。切除双侧星状神经节后,腺苷兴奋RSNA的效应消失。

关键词: 腺苷; 腺苷同系物; 腺苷受体; 肾交感神经活动; 心交感传入纤维

Effects of intraventricular injection of adenosine on renal sympathetic nerve activity

Ma Xiuying, Sun Guangqi, He Ruirong

Department of Physiology, Institute of Basic Medicine,Hebei Medical Colloge.Shijiazhuang 050017,Hebei


The effects of intraventricular injection of adenosine and its analogues on renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) were examined in sinoaortic denervated and vagotomized anesthetized rats. In response to intraventricular bolus injection of adenosine,RSNA was increased by 41.9±6.08%(P<0.001),mean arterial pressure (MAP) was initially increased by 1.39±0.19 kPa (P<0.001) and subsequently decreased by 3.74±0.64 kPa (P<0.001), and heart rate (HR) was reduced by 95±14 bpm (P<0.001). To determine the adenosine-receptor subtype which mediates the response of RSNA to adenosine, we used selective A_(1)-receptoragonist (R-PIA) and A_(2)-receptor agonist (NECA) and found that MAP and HR were reduced by R-PIA and NECA. The effects lasted significantly longer than those of adenosine. R-PIA induced an increased in RSNA by 31.6±5.21%(P<0.001), while NECA showed no effect on RSNA. The renal sympathoexcitatory response to intraventricular injection of adenosine was completely inhibited by pretreatment with a selective A_(1)-receptor antagonist (DPCPX). Following the bilateral stellate ganglionectomy, intraventricular injection of adenosine failed to induce the increase in RSNA. The results indicate that adenosine may activate cardiac sympathetic afferents through A_(1)-receptor, resulting in a reflex augmentation of RSNA.

Key words: Adenosine;Adenosine analogues;Adenosine receptors;Renal sympathetic nerve activity;Cardiac sympethetic afferents

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马秀英, 孙光启, 何瑞荣. 心室内注射腺苷对肾交感神经传出活动的影响[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Ma Xiuying, Sun Guangqi, He Ruirong. Effects of intraventricular injection of adenosine on renal sympathetic nerve activity. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).