ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q




北京大学生命科学学院生理系.北京 100871


首次将一种运动分析系统,即视觉自动电视摄相信息处理系统(optical automatic TV-image processor,E.L.I.T.E system)用于动物运动方式的定量分析,比较了猫一侧前庭神经切断前后在跨越转动横梁测试中运动方式的变化。结果如下:在横梁静止条件下,猫术后行走的初始身高明显下降,步距变短,步频降低,呈缓慢的蹒跚步态,继而各参量逐渐增加,分别在术后45和70d恢复到术前水平。在横梁转动条件下,猫初始均降低身高,但步距、步频和运动速度的相对变化因转动速度和恢复时程的不同而异,显示了动物在代偿初期运动行为的不协调和在不同动态平衡条件中所采取的不同运动方式和代偿策略。

关键词: 运动平衡; 前庭代偿; E.L.I.T.Esystem; 神经可塑性;

Changes and compensation in the locomotor pattern of unilateral vestibular neurectomized cats

Sun Jiurong

Department of Physiology, College of Life Sciences, Peking University.Beijing 100871


In the present study the locomotor activity of unilateral vestibular neurectomized cats while crossing over a rotating beam along its longitucinal axis at different speeds was investigated. The kinematics of the body movement was recorded by means of a motion analysis system, with an optical automatic TV-image processor (E.L.I.T.E system) allowing a computer reconstruction of the 3 dimensional motion. Analysis was focused on the locomotion pattern as defined by several parameters including step length, step frequency and velocity, and an estimate of the height of the body gravity center. The results obtained with non-rotating beam showed that unilateral vestibular neurectomy induced significant changes in locomotor activity of the lesioned cats. Animals crossed over the beam with very slow locomotionspeed and they typically exhibited a strong reduction in step length associated with a decreased in frequency. In addition,the gravity center of the walking cats was lower than the normal.The analysis performed with the rotating beam revealed different strategies of compensation, with cats moving either faster or slower as compared to their preoperative performance. Such strategies in locomotion speed regulation avoided falling from the rotating beam. Recovery to a nearly mormal locomotor pattern was observed thereafter with a time delay comparable to that found in other behavioral studies dealing withthe vestibular compensation process in the cat.

Key words: Locomotor equilibrium;Vestibular compensation;E. L. I. T. E system;Neuroplasticity;Cat

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孙久荣. 单侧前庭神经切断后猫运动方式的改变和补偿[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Sun Jiurong. Changes and compensation in the locomotor pattern of unilateral vestibular neurectomized cats. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).