ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



陆卫, 贾敬芬

兰州大学细胞研究室.甘肃, 兰州 730000


外源ABA可使谷子胚性愈伤组织生长减缓,使正常胚性愈伤组织在NaCl胁迫下与耐盐胚性愈伤组织的生长差异消失, 脯氨酸含量在无NaCl或1%NaCl胁迫下分别提高140%和9.3%, 而可溶蛋白含量均下降, 并有新的SDS电泳蛋白质带(90 kD)出现, 过氧化物酶活性及SOD活性也均增高。

关键词: 谷子; 耐盐系; 外源ABA; 胚性愈伤组织

Changes of physiological and biochemical characteristics in the original and NaCl-tolerant calli of Setaria italica exposed to abscisic acid and sodium chloride

Lu Wei, Jia Jingfen

Cell Biology Laboratory, Lanzhou University. Lanzhou 730000, Gansu


Some physiological and biochemical changes in the original and NaCl-tolerant embryogenic calli of Setaria italica cultured on the medium containing ABA 10 #mu#mol/L and different levels of NaCl were studied.The difference in callus growth between original and NaCl-tolerant calli disappeared under ABA treatment though the calli growth rate was decreased. The following changes in the original calli were observed after being treated with ABA: 1.On NaCl-free and 1%NaCl-containing media the proline content was increased by 140% and 9.3% respectively; 2.The contents of soluble proteins were decreased in both NaCl-stressed and unstressed calli.Their electrophoresis patterns changed,and a new band of 90 kD protein appeared; 3.The activities of peroxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were increased by 54.4% and 65.1% respectively by ABA in NaCl-free medium.The changes caused by ABA in NaCl-tolerant callus were similar to those occurring in the original callus.

Key words: Setaria italica;NaCl-tolerant cell;Line ABA;Embryogrnic callus

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陆卫, 贾敬芬. 盐胁迫下外源ABA对谷子耐盐愈伤组织生理生化特性的影响[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Lu Wei, Jia Jingfen. Changes of physiological and biochemical characteristics in the original and NaCl-tolerant calli of Setaria italica exposed to abscisic acid and sodium chloride. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).