ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



曾纪晴, 刘鸿先, 王以柔, 陈贻竹

中科院华南植物研究所. 广东, 广州 510650


用PAM脉冲调制荧光仪测定叶绿素荧光的变化研究了黄瓜幼苗子叶在PFD为 50 和 100 #mu#mol m~(-2)s~(-1), 温度为4、7、10、15℃下的光抑制及其恢复。结果表明, 黄瓜幼苗子叶Fv/Fm随着温度的下降和PFD的增加而下降, 并且增加等量的PFD在4℃下比在10℃下引起更大的Fv/Fm下降。在黑暗条件下光抑制有轻微恢复, 但完全恢复必需光照,且恢复起始时的光照十分重要。DTT可部分抑制叶绿素荧光Fo和Fm的猝灭, 且15℃下比在4℃下抑制效果更大。CAP能强烈地加剧光抑制并几乎完全抑制恢复, 且10℃下比在4℃下对光抑制的加剧作用更大。冷锻炼提高了黄瓜幼苗抵抗低温光抑制的能力,而CAP对冷锻炼苗比未锻炼苗的低温光抑制具有更大的加剧作用。

关键词: 黄瓜幼苗; 低温; 光抑制; 叶绿素荧光

Photoinhibition and recovery of cucumber seedling cotyledons under low temperatures

Zeng Jiqing, Liu Hongxian, Wang Yirou, Chen Yizhu

South China Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong


Photoinhibition and recovery were studied in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedling cotyledons exposed to PFD^s of 50 and 100 #mu#mol m~(-2)s~(-1) at 4, 7, 10 and 15℃ by measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence with a PAM-Fluorometer. The Fv/Fm ratio of cucumber cotyledons decreased with the decline of temperature and the increace of PFD, and the exacerbation of photoinhibition at 4℃ was greater than that at 10 ℃ when PFD was increased equally. There was a slight recovery in the dark but light at the start of recovery was most important.Inhibitors were used in a preliminary study on the mechanism of chill-temperature photoinhibition. DTT partly inhibited the quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence Fm and Fo. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect at 15℃ was greater than that at 4℃. CAP exacerbated photoinhibition strongly and almost completely inhibited the recovery. Furthermore, CAP exacerbated photoinhibition strongly at 10℃, but only slightly at 4℃. The resistance to chill-temperature photoinhibition of cucumber cotyledons was enhanced by cold-hardening, but CAP exacerbated the photoinhibition of cold-hardened cucumber cotyledons more than that of the unhardened.

Key words: Cucumber low;Temperature;Photoinhibition;Chlorophyll fluorescence

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曾纪晴, 刘鸿先, 王以柔, 陈贻竹. 黄瓜幼苗子叶在低温下的光抑制及其恢复[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Zeng Jiqing, Liu Hongxian, Wang Yirou, Chen Yizhu. Photoinhibition and recovery of cucumber seedling cotyledons under low temperatures. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).