ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



种康, 谭克辉, 黄华粱, 梁厚果

兰州大学生物系. 甘肃, 兰州 730000;中科院植物研究所. 北京 100044;中科院遗传研究所. 北京 100101


关键词: 冬小麦; 春化作用相关基因; cDNA克隆; 序列分析

Sequence analysis of vernalization-related cDNA clone from winter wheat

Zhong Kang, Tan Kehui, Huang Hualiang, Liang Houguo

Department of Biology, Lanzhou University. Lanzhou 730000, Gansu; China;Institute of Genetics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing 100101


A vernalization-related gene cDNA clone (verc 203) from winter wheat was subcloned into restriction enzyme sites of BamHI and HindIII in pUC19 plasmid. The sequence of the cDNA insert was determined using the method of T7 sequencing for double strand DNA. The results showed that verc203 consisted of 195 base pairs, and had 31 sites of restriction enzymes which were covered by 17 enzymes.Homological analysis of verc 203 and each gene sequence involved in EMBL(European Molecular Biology Library)data was done in a computer with FASP method. It was found to be not homologous with verc 203 because the highest score in the 20 genes with highest scores is 42 only, far lower than 50 which is the lowest score as the standard of homology between sequences in the FASP method.On the basis of the results of homological analysis for each gene in EMBL, the authors conclude that verc 203 may be the cDNA clone of a new gene in higher plants, and its function is related to vernalization in winter wheat.

Key words: Winter wheat;Vernalization-related gene;cDNA colne;Sequencing

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种康, 谭克辉, 黄华粱, 梁厚果. 冬小麦春化相关基因cDNA(verc203)片段序列的分析[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Zhong Kang, Tan Kehui, Huang Hualiang, Liang Houguo. Sequence analysis of vernalization-related cDNA clone from winter wheat. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).