ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



宋纯鹏, 曹更生, 安国勇, 马晓东, 杜祖亮, 朱自强, 阎隆飞

河南大学生物学系. 河南, 开封 475001;河南大学物理学系. 河南, 开封 475001;北京农业大学生物学院. 北京 100094


采摘现蕾、初开、萎蔫和脱落期月季花花瓣, 纯化原生质体。利用Ca~(2+)荧光指示剂Fura 2 AM,分别用Spex F212 Fluorolog和数字分析系统,建立了植物细胞胞质自由Ca~(2+)浓度的测定技术。 结果表明,月季花现蕾、初开、萎蔫和脱落时期, 胞质Ca~(2+)浓度分别为8、62、12和15 nmol/L, 花开放时刻, [Ca~(2+)]_(c) 突然升高, 然后又回到静息态。ACC 1 mmol/L处理,使[Ca~(2+)]_(c)迅速增高, 并促进花的开放。推测胞内静息态Ca~(2+)浓度为8-15 nmol/L, [Ca~(2+)]_(c) 改变控制着花的开放运动; 但是衰老期[Ca~(2+)]_(c) 没有增加, 可能由于衰老是一个缓慢过程, [Ca~(2+)]_(c)增加只发生在衰老的启始阶段。IP_(3)3.6μmol/L处理原生质体,可降低[Ca~(2+)]_(c), 钙通道阻塞剂La~(3+)阻止这种降低, IP_(3)可能作用于质膜上的Ca~(2+)通道。因此, 膜磷脂代谢在胞内钙稳态控制中起着重要作用。

关键词: ACC; 钙稳态; IP_(3); 原生质体; 月季花瓣

The effects of 1-aminocyclopropane-carboxylic acid and inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate on cytoplasmic calcium concentration during Chinese rose petal development

Song Chunpeng, Cao Gengsheng, An Guoyong, Ma Xiaodong, Du Zuliang, Zhu Ziqiang, Yan Longfei

Department of Biology, Henan University. Kaifeng 475001,Henan; China;College of Biological Sciences, Beijing Agricultural University. Beijing 100094


Protoplasts from Chinese rose(Rosa chinensis Jack cv. Zirong)petals at different development stages were loaded with fura 2 AM to measure Ca~(2+)_(c). The fluorescence of frua 2 was measured at 450 nm using a Spex F212 Fluorolog with excitation at either 340 nm or 370 nm. Fluorescence ratio photometry technique was used to check the method. The results indicated that Ca~(2+)_(c) at the bud, flowering, wilting and senescing stages were 8, 62, 12 and 15 nmol/L, respectively. When cut flowers were treated with ACC 1 mmol/L, Ca~(2+)_(c) rapidly increased to 108 nmol/L in conjunction with the premature opening of the flowers, and no change occurred in the value of Ca~(2+)_(c) during senescence. When the protoplasts were treated with IP_(3) 3.6 μmol/L, Ca~(2+)_(c) decreased, especially at the opening stage, but this kind of Ca~(2+) release could be inhibited by introducing La~(3+), a potent blocker of Ca~(2+) channel, into the cell, These results suggest that the opening of flowers can be induced by a rise of Ca~(2+)c from a relatively constant resting level of 10 nmol/L and IP_(3) can affect the Ca~(2+) channel activity in the plasma membrane.

Key words: ACC;Calcium holneostasis;IP_(3);Proaoplast Chinese;Rose petal

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宋纯鹏, 曹更生, 安国勇, 马晓东, 杜祖亮, 朱自强, 阎隆飞. ACC和IP_(3)对月季花发育过程中细胞质Ca~(2+)浓度的影响[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Song Chunpeng, Cao Gengsheng, An Guoyong, Ma Xiaodong, Du Zuliang, Zhu Ziqiang, Yan Longfei. The effects of 1-aminocyclopropane-carboxylic acid and inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate on cytoplasmic calcium concentration during Chinese rose petal development. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).