ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



甘烦远, 郑光植, 彭丽萍, 罗建平

中科院昆明植物研究所.云南, 昆明 650204


在云南红豆杉细胞悬浮培养中,适宜的培养基为B5,接种量为0.5-0.8g干重细胞/100 ml培养基,2,4-D浓度为1.0mg/L; 培养细胞的生长周期约30d, 培养基中较高浓度的蔗糖(40g/L)可提高紫杉醇含量;添加的椰子汁(CM)、酪蛋白氨基酸(CA)和水解乳蛋白(LH)3种有机添加剂均能提高培养细胞中紫杉醇的含量, 但只有CM和CA能促进细胞的生长。于B5培养基中添加不同浓度的NH_(4)NO_(3)对培养细胞无明显影响。

关键词: 云南红豆杉; 细胞悬浮培养; 紫杉醇

Study on cell suspension culture of Taxus yunnanensis

Gan Fanyuan, Zheng Guangzhi, Peng Liping, Luo Jianping

Kunming Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. Kunming 650204, Yunnan


B5 medium was suitable for cell suspension culture of Taxus yunnanensis. The growth cycle of suspension cells was about 30 days. The optimum size of inoculum and 2,4-D concentration for cell growth and taxol content was 0.5-0.8 g(cell DW)/100 ml medium and 1.0 mg/L respectively. Taxol content could be promoted by increasing the sucrose concentration to 40 g/L, and also by supplementing with organic substances like coconut milk(CM), caseinhydrolysat(CA) and lactalbumin hydrolysate(LH). Only CM and CA promoted cell growth of culture cells. Effects of different concentrations of NH_(4)NO_(3) on cell suspension culture of Taxus yunnanensis were not significant.

Key words: Taxus yunnanensis;Cell suspension;Culture taxol

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甘烦远, 郑光植, 彭丽萍, 罗建平. 云南红豆杉细胞的悬浮培养[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (1): .

Gan Fanyuan, Zheng Guangzhi, Peng Liping, Luo Jianping. Study on cell suspension culture of Taxus yunnanensis. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).