赵若虹, 张宪孔, 缪有刚, 李立人
中科院水生生物研究所.湖北,武汉 430072;中科院上海植物生理研究所.上海 200032
用豌豆叶绿体陪伴蛋白(ch-cpn60)的抗体对衣藻和多种蓝藻细胞提取液作Western blot分析表明:真核的衣藻和原核的有异形胞丝状蓝藻的一种鱼腥藻中存在一种与豌豆ch-cpn60抗体有交叉反应的蛋白,其一个亚基的分子量与豌豆该蛋白的分子量相似,而另一亚基的分子量高于豌豆的#beta#亚基分子量。绿藻和丝状蓝藻中这一蛋白在热处理后含量增加,而经-20℃冷处理12h后含量明显下降。在单细胞蓝藻中则检测不到这种蛋白。
Distribution and some properties of chloroplast chaperonin in some algae
Zhao Ruohong, Zhang Xiankong, Miao Yougang, Li Liren
Institute of Hydrobiology,The Chinese Academy of Sciences.Wuhan 430072.Hubei;China
The analysis of Weatern blot with the antibody raised against to chloroplast chaperonin (cpn60) from pea showed that cpn60 occured in the eukaryotic green algae such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and prokaryotic nitrogen-fixing filamental cyanobacteria such as Anabaena siamensis could cross-react with the antibody to cpn60 from pea. The molecular weight of the #alpha#-subunit from the algae was about 60 kD, similar to that from pea; but the molecular weight of #beta#-subunit was distinctly greater than that from pea. The cpn60, however, could not be detected in unicellular cynobacteria such as Anacystis nidulans with the antibody to cpn60 from pea. The content of cpn60 in filamental cyanobacteria and green algae increased following heat shock, but decreased greatly when the algae were kept at -20℃ for 12 h. The electron-microscopic studies by using gold-labeled antibody raised against cpn60 from pea showed that the cpn60 in Anabaena siamensis occurred mainly in the vegetative cells, but not in the heterocysts.
Key words: Chloroplast chaperonin;Cyanobacteria;Green algae
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赵若虹, 张宪孔, 缪有刚, 李立人. 叶绿体陪伴蛋白在几种藻类中的存在和分布[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (3): .
Zhao Ruohong, Zhang Xiankong, Miao Yougang, Li Liren. Distribution and some properties of chloroplast chaperonin in some algae. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).