ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



马焕普, Blake P S, Browning G

中国农业科学院果树研究所.辽宁,兴城 125100;国际园艺研究中心.东茂林


关键词: 樱桃; 赤霉素; 代谢

Metabolism of gibberellilns A_(1) and A_(3) in fruitlets and shoots of Prunus avium cv. Stella

Ma Huanpu, Blake P S, Browning G

Institute of Pomology,The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.Xingcheng 125100,Liaoning;UK


After feeding with ~(3)H- and ~(2)H- labeled GA_(1) and GA_(3), no labled GA_(87) or GA_(32) was detected by GC-MS after HPLC. It was confirmed that GA_(32) was not biosynthesized from GA_(3) via GA_(87) in either fruitlets or shoots of cherry. That GA_(1) was converted to GA_(8) and GA_(3) to GA_(3)-isolactone was confirmed in both cherry shoots and fruitlets. Two unknown GA spectra were obtained by GC-MS from labeled metabolites of GA_(1) and GA_(3) in cherry fruitlets after 48 h and 96 h of incubation, but not in the shoots. On the contrary, an unidentified labeled metabolite of GA_(1) found in shoots was not detected in fruitlets. Therefore, it can be concluded that juvenile and mature shoots differed only in the amont of GA metabolites, while vegetative and reproductive tissues differed in the kind of them.

Key words: Cherry;Gibberellins;Metabolism

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马焕普, Blake P S, Browning G. GA_(1)和GA_(3)在樱桃幼果及枝条中的代谢[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (3): .

Ma Huanpu, Blake P S, Browning G. Metabolism of gibberellilns A_(1) and A_(3) in fruitlets and shoots of Prunus avium cv. Stella. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).