ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



刘永庆, 罗泽民, Hilhorst H W M, Karssen C M

湖南农业大学园艺系.湖南,长沙 410128;湖南农业大学生物技术系.湖南,长沙 410128;荷兰瓦赫宁根农业大学植物生理系.瓦赫宁根



关键词: 脱落酸; 赤霉素; 番茄; 种子发育; 水分关系

Effects of endogenous GA and ABA on water relations in tomato fruit and seeds during development

Liu Yongqing, Luo Zemin, Hilhorst H W M and karssen C M

Department of Horticulture,Hunan Agricultural University.Changsha 410128,Hunan;China


Tomato plants of GA-deficient (gib),ABA-deficient (sit) mutants and is ogenic wild type (wt) were grown under greenhouse conditions, and the flowers were labelled. Water relations in developing tomato fruits and seeds were analyzed by measuring the water contents of various tissues with thermocouple psychrometer.The water potential between pericarp or locular tissue and seeds was essentially equilibrated throughout development, and the direction of flow depended upon the water potential, i.e. at the early stage water flew from pericarp into seeds and reversely during seed maturation desication. The water content and water potential of embryos were always lower than that of whole seeds at any time during development, inferring the operation of an active desiccating process during embryos desiccation. Endogenous gibberellin could increase fruit and seed weight, but could not affect the production of soluble compounds in the embryos. Fruit ripening and senescence which lead to the loss of cellular integrity of pericarp and locular tissue could be stimulated by endogenous abscisic acid, resulting in a much lower water potential, which might inhibit seed germination within the fruit.

Key words: ABA;GA;Tomato;Seed development;Water relations

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刘永庆, 罗泽民, Hilhorst H W M, Karssen C M. 内源脱落酸和赤霉素对番茄发育果实和种子水分关系的影响[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (1): .

Liu Yongqing, Luo Zemin, Hilhorst H W M and karssen C M. Effects of endogenous GA and ABA on water relations in tomato fruit and seeds during development. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).