ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


神经介质C 对促胃液素分泌的影响


遵义医学院病理生理学教研室. 贵州, 遵义 563003


神经介素C(NMC) 可明显刺激大鼠胃分泌促胃液素, 此效应(净增量)被D-Phe~(6)-BN(6-13)OMe完全消除或被阿托品抵消约60%(P<0.01)。证实了铃蟾肽类肽能神经递质NMC是促胃液素分泌的强刺激剂; BN-Ant·D-Phe~(6)-BN(6-13)OMe具有高效拮抗NMC刺激促胃液素分泌的作用, 同时提示了NMC的作用机制不仅直接对胃G细胞,而且还可能通过影响胆碱能神经而发挥效应。

关键词: 神经介质C; 铃蟾肽受体拮抗剂; 促胃液素; 胆碱能神经; 离体大鼠胃

Effect of neuromedin C on gastrin secretion from isolated and perfused rat stomach

Li Yongyu

Department of Pathophysiology, Zunyi Medical College. Zunyi 563003, Guizhou


Using a model of isolated and perfused rat stomach, it was observed that the gastrin secretion was increased significantly by intravascular perfusion of 10~(-8) mol/L neuromedin C (NMC)(from 550±126 pg/10 min to 1060±180 pg/10 min, P<0.01). The effect was in part suppressed by atropine (10~(-7mol/L)(756±152 pg/10 min v.s.1060±180 pg/10 min, P<0.05) and completely blocked by D-Phe~(6)-BN(6-13) OMe(10~(-6)mol/L), a bombesin receptor antagonist from human antral G-cells.

Key words: Perfused rat stomach;Bombesin antogonist;Neuromedin C;Gastrin secretion;Cholinergic pathway

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李永渝. 神经介质C 对促胃液素分泌的影响[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (1): .

Li Yongyu. Effect of neuromedin C on gastrin secretion from isolated and perfused rat stomach. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).