ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王宪, 吴中欣, 唐跃明, 韩启德

北京医科大学第三临床医院血管医学研究所. 北京 100083


内毒素可直接引 起CGRP从大鼠肠系膜动脉床释放, 来源主要为辣椒素敏感的感觉神经。释放依赖于细胞外钙离子的存在以及Ca~(2+)进入神经细胞后引起的对钌红敏感的细胞内钙池Ca~(2+)动员。

关键词: 降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP); 内毒素; 肠系膜动脉

Endotoxin causes release of calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP) from the isolated mesenteric arterial bed in rat

Wang Xian, Wu Zhongxin, Tang Yueming, Han Qide

Institute of Vascular Medicine, The Third Hospital, Beijing Medical University. Beijing 100083


In the present study we determined whether ETX could directly trigger release of CGRP from CGRP-containing perivascular nerves in isolated mesenteric arterial bed (MAB) of rat. The results showed that ETX caused time- and concentration (10-100#mu#g/ml) -dependent release of CGRP. ETX(50#mu#g/ml)increased by 20 fold CGRP in perfusate 10-15 min after ETX. Characterization of CGRP in perfusates by reverse-phrase HPLC showed one predominant peak which coeluted with synthetic rat CGRP. Pretreated MAB with capsaicin or ruthenium red inhibited ETX-induced release of CGRP by 90% and 65% respectively. ETX-induced CGRP release was decreased under Ca~(2+)-free perfusion by 80%.

Key words: Release of calcitonin gene-related peptide;Endotoxin;Mesenteric arterial bed

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王宪, 吴中欣, 唐跃明, 韩启德. 内毒素对离体大鼠肠系膜动脉降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)释放的作用[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (1): .

Wang Xian, Wu Zhongxin, Tang Yueming, Han Qide. Endotoxin causes release of calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP) from the isolated mesenteric arterial bed in rat. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).