ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



杜红燕, 张维宁, 章子贵, 邵悦, 王良斌, 王金Xi, 吴馥梅

南京大学 生物科学与技术系. 江苏, 南京 210093;南京大学配位化学国家重点实验 室. 江苏, 南京 210093


随着年龄的增长, 小鼠的分辨学习及记忆能力均下降, 同时海马突触体内游离[Ca~(2+)]_(i)升高显著。

关键词: 小鼠; 学习记忆; 脑突触体; [Ca~(2+)_(i)

Correlation between ability of learning-memory and synaptosomal free [Ca~(2+)]_(i) in mice of different age

Du Hongyan, Zhang Weining, Zhang Zigui, Shao Yue, Wang Liangbin, Wang Jinxi, Wu Fumei

Department of Biological Science and Technology, Nanjing University. Nanjing 210093, Jiangsu; China


In the present investigation, the behavior of learning and memory of 1-month and 6-month-old mice was studied by using Y-maze and one-trial passive avoidance response device. The synaptosomal free [Ca~(2+)]_(i) of four main brain regions (Hippocampus, Cerebral cortex, Cerebellum, Tectum of midbrain)of these mice were measured by fluorescent probe Ca~(2+) indicator Fura-2 and an AR-CM-MIC cation measurement system. The results showed that, in comparison with 1-month-old mice, the ability of discrimination learning and memory of 6-month-old ones were attenuated, and the synaptosomal free [Ca~(2+)]_(i) of hippocampus was increased.

Key words: Mice;Learning and memory;Brain synaptosome;[Ca ̄(2+)]_(i)

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杜红燕, 张维宁, 章子贵, 邵悦, 王良斌, 王金Xi, 吴馥梅. 两组不同月龄小鼠学习记忆能力与脑突触体内游离[Ca~(2+)]_(i)的相关性[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (1): .

Du Hongyan, Zhang Weining, Zhang Zigui, Shao Yue, Wang Liangbin, Wang Jinxi, Wu Fumei. Correlation between ability of learning-memory and synaptosomal free [Ca~(2+)]_(i) in mice of different age. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).