ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王过渡, 望西玉, 李之望

宜昌医学高等专科学校生理教研室. 湖北, 宜昌 443003;同济医科大学实验医学研究中心. 湖北, 武汉 430030


辣根过氧化物酶 呈色反应的组织学结果表明: SGA类细胞外周突有明显分支。电刺激与同一脊神经节(SG)神经元相连的两支脊神经纤维细束, 于背根进行轴突内记录, 结果观察到传入冲动出现“中断”、“缺失”与“增多”的现象。实验结果显示, SG神经细胞外周突分支的存在能改变感觉传入冲动的序列和频数。

关键词: 脊神经节; 外周突分支; 细胞内记录; 初级传入冲动; 蟾蜍

Influence of peripheral process branching in nerve of spinal ganglion on the primary afferent impulse

Wang Guodu, Wang Xiyu, Li Zhiwang

Department of Physiology, Yichang Medical College. Yichang 443003, Hubei; China


In order to observe the electrical and morphological characteristics of neurons in toad spinal ganglion (SG)preparation, microelectrode filled with 0.75% horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used both for intracellular recording and for intracellular labeling. Histological result showed that there were apparent branchings in peripheral process of A type cells. Intra-axonal recording of the discharges of dorsal root fiber could be evoked by simultaneous stimulation of two separate fine bundles in spinal nerve. The discharging event exhibited the patterns of interruption, default and addition.

Key words: Spinal ganglion;Peripheral process branching;;;

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王过渡, 望西玉, 李之望. 脊神经节神经元外周突分支对初级感觉传入冲动的影响[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (1): .

Wang Guodu, Wang Xiyu, Li Zhiwang. Influence of peripheral process branching in nerve of spinal ganglion on the primary afferent impulse. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).