ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



司军强, 李之望, 樊友珍

同济医科大学实验医学研究中心. 湖北, 武汉 430030


实验在DRG分离细胞 上应用膜片箝技术记录NMDA-、KA-和QA/AMPA-激活电流。在受检的37个细胞中70.3%的细胞对NMDA敏感; 18.9%的细胞对KA敏感; 56.8%的细胞对QA敏感。分布情况是: 单独存在一种受体的细胞为15个; 二种受体共存的细胞为13个; 三种受体共存的细胞为4个, 另外有4个细胞三种受体均无。

关键词: 大鼠; 有根神经节; 全细胞膜片箝技术; NMDA受体; Kainate受体; Quisqualate受体; 受体共存

Subtypes of glutamate receptor and their distribution in the somatic membrane of neurons freshly isolated from rat DRG

Si Junqiang, Li Zhiwang, Fan Youzhen

Research Center of Experimental Medicine, Tongji Medical University. Wuhan 430030, Hubei


The aim of the present study was to investigate the distribution and coexistance of glutamate(Glu)receptor subtypes in the isolated rat DRG neurons as identified by the recorded NMDA-, KA- or QA/AMPA- activated current using whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Of the 37 identified neurons, 15 contain only a single subtype receptor, 13 with two kind subtype receptors, only 4 with all subtype receptors. With regard the frequency of occurrance of the three types of receptors, the NMDA, KA and QA/AMPA subtype were found present respectively in 26(70.3%), 7(18.9%)and 21(56.8%) of the recorded cells.

Key words: Rat;;;Whole-cen patch-clamp techniques;NMDA receptor;Kainatereceptor;Quisqualate receptor

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司军强, 李之望, 樊友珍. 大鼠新鲜分离DRG神经元胞体膜谷氨酸受体亚型及其分布[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (1): .

Si Junqiang, Li Zhiwang, Fan Youzhen. Subtypes of glutamate receptor and their distribution in the somatic membrane of neurons freshly isolated from rat DRG. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).