ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



司军强, 李之望

新疆石河子医学院生理教研室. 新疆, 石河子;同济医科大学实验医学研究中心. 湖 北, 武汉 430030


肽类递质P物质(SP)作用于大鼠背根神经节(DRG)神经元(包括大及小细胞)引起剂量依赖性的膜去极化。SP-去极化期间的膜电导和逆转电位值, 以及应用离子置代及通道阻断剂的实验结果看, SP-去极化可能涉及多种阳离子电导的改变。

关键词: P物质; 背根神经节; 细胞内记录; SP引起的去极化; 大鼠

Effect of substance P on the somatic membrane of rat DRG neurons

Si Junqiang, Li Zhiwang

Department of Physiology, Shihezi Medical College, Xinjiang. Shihezi, Xinjiang


Intracellular recordings were performed on isolated rat DRG neurons to investigate the changes in the membrane potential in response to substance P and the involved ionic mechanisms. The above results indicate that SP-induced depolarization involves a rather multiple changes in ionic conductance.

Key words: SP;Dorsal root ganglion;;;

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司军强, 李之望. P物质对大鼠DRG神经元胞体膜的作用[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (1): .

Si Junqiang, Li Zhiwang. Effect of substance P on the somatic membrane of rat DRG neurons. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).