ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q




重庆医科大学生理教研室. 四川, 重庆 630046


应用自功率谱 和相干分析法证实了猫大脑额-顶叶电活动和心下交感神经冲动之间明显相关。猫前脑通过间脑有关的结构下传冲动调节和设置了交感神经活动的水平, 一旦这种联系被阻断, 脑干有关的心血管中枢就会代偿性维持交感神经活动。

关键词: 交感神经节律; 脑电; 相干分析; 去大脑

The coherence between the frontal-parietal cortex and cardiac sympathetic nerve activity in cats

Huang Zhongsun

Department of Physiology, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences. Chongqing 630046, Sichuan


Experiments were performed on 86 cats anesthetized with chloralose, paralyzed with gallamine triethiodide and ventilated artifically. Autospectral and coherence analysis revealed that the frontal-parietal cortex activity(EEG)and cardiac sympathetic nerve discharge(SND)were remarkably correlated in 34/44 cats. SND lagged EEG by 50±20 ms with a cross-correlation value of 0.4±0.1. Coherence value was 0.25±0.05, indicating a statistically significant relationship between the two signals. Midbrain transection at sterotaxic plane A_(3) preferentially decreased SND power at frequencies 3-4.2 Hz, accompanied by a fall in mean blood pressure (5.47±0.13kPa). The coherence of SND to EEG was eliminated after decerebration. However, the total power in EEG was notsignificantly affected. The SND rhythm and blood pressure returned nearly to control level within 1 h after decerebation. The effects of midbrain transection were significantly attenuated by prior minor lesionings of the lateral hypothalamus or medial thalamus.

Key words: Sympathetic nerve rhythm;Electroencephalon;Decerebration;Coherence analysis

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黄仲荪. 猫额-顶叶皮层与心交感神经电活动间相干关系的研究[J]. 生理学报 1996; 48 (1): .

Huang Zhongsun. The coherence between the frontal-parietal cortex and cardiac sympathetic nerve activity in cats. Acta Physiol Sin 1996; 48 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).