ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王世强, 冯强, 周曾铨

北京大学生命科学学院. 北京 100871


提高刺激频率对活动组具有负变力作用, 而对冬眠组则是收缩力先增加后减弱的双相 变化; 冬眠组具有较强的间歇后收缩, 并且刺激频率对其具有较强的调制作用; 与活动 组相比, 冬眠组动作电位前期时程和收缩期较短, 收缩力较大, Cd~(2+)对其影响 较小, 但ryanodine对其收缩力有较强的抑制作用。

关键词: 冬眠; 心肌兴奋收缩耦联; 动作电位; 力-频率关系; 力-间歇关系; Ca~(2+); Cd~(2+); Ryanodine

Experimental analysis of the calcium source for cardiac excitation-contraction coupling in hibernator Citellus dauricus

Wang Shiqiang, Feng Qiang, Zhou Zengquan

College of Life Sciences, Peking University. Beijing 100871


The force-interval and force-frequency relationships and the effects of Cd~(2+) and ryanodine on the myocardial action potential and contraction were compared between hibernating(HGS)and active(AGS) ground squirrels Citellus dauricus. Raising the driving frequency caused a negative inotropic effect in the AGS group, but a biphasic change with an increase of the peak force followed by a decrease in the HGS group. The contraction in HGS group exhibited a more pronounced post-interval potentiation, and was more significantly modulated by the driving frequency. HGS animals displaged action potentials of shorter early-stage duration and stronger contractions of shorter time course in comparison with the AGS animals. Both the action potential and the contraction of HGS group were less affected by Cd~(2+), but the contraction was more significantly inhibited by ryanodine than that of the AGS group.

Key words: Hibernation;Cardiac excitation-contrsction coupling;Action potential;Force-frequency relationship;Force-interval relationship;Calcium;Cd~(2+);Ryanodine

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王世强, 冯强, 周曾铨. 冬眠动物黄鼠心肌兴奋收缩耦联钙源的实验分析[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (6): .

Wang Shiqiang, Feng Qiang, Zhou Zengquan. Experimental analysis of the calcium source for cardiac excitation-contraction coupling in hibernator Citellus dauricus. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).