ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



何晓玲, 刘乡, 朱兵, 徐卫东, 张守信

中国中医研究院针灸研究所. 北京 100700


实验用雄性大鼠, 玻璃微电极细胞外记录T12-L1脊髓背角会聚神经元对后爪伤害性 刺激的反应, 观察到低强度(2V)电针作用于与痛源接近的“足三里”穴对背角神经元的 伤害性反应有明显的抑制作用, 而远隔穴位“下关”穴则无效。而当采用超过C类纤维 阈值18V电针时, 则远隔穴位“下关”也有明显的镇痛作用。损毁NRM后, 强电针(18V) 远节段“下关”穴的镇痛作用消失, 而近节段“足三里”穴无论是强(18V)或弱(2V)电 针, 仍有明显的镇痛作用, 但此效应也被削弱。

关键词: 背角会聚神经元; 穴位特异性; 强电针穴位镇痛的广泛性; 痛负反溃调制

Central mechanism of an extensive analgesic effect due to strong electroacupuncture of acupoint on spinal dorsal horn neurons

He Xiaoling, Liu Xiang, Zhu Bing, Xu Weidong, Zhang Shouxing

Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Beijing 100700


Experiments were performed on male rats. The responses of dorsal horn convergent neurons in spinal cord (T12-L1)to noxious stimulation of hind paw were recorded extracellularly with glass microelectrode. When low intensity(2V)electroacupuncture(EA)was used, the nociceptive responses of convergent neurons were inhibited by EA at “Zusanli”near noxious stimulation area, but not at “Xiaguan”far from the area. When intensity (18V)high than the threshold of C fibers EA was applied at the far acupoint “Xiaguan”, obvious analgesic effects on convergent neurons were also produced, showing an extensive analgesic effect of strong EA at acupoint. This extensive analgesic effect was abdicated by lesion of nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), but still persisted to some extent by EA at the same segment acupoint “Zusanli”with 18V or 2V intensity.

Key words: Dorsal horn convergent neurons;Acupoint speificity;Analgesic extensiveness of strong EA at acupoint;Negative feedback mechanism modulating Pain

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何晓玲, 刘乡, 朱兵, 徐卫东, 张守信. 强电针穴位对背角神经元镇痛效应广泛性的中枢机制[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (6): .

He Xiaoling, Liu Xiang, Zhu Bing, Xu Weidong, Zhang Shouxing. Central mechanism of an extensive analgesic effect due to strong electroacupuncture of acupoint on spinal dorsal horn neurons. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).