ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



贺毓芳, 黄开星, 金国章

中科院上海药物研究所. 上海 200031


应用HPLC-ECD测定DA更新率(DOPA/DA), 证明(-)SPD对黑质-纹状体、中脑-边缘系 统、下丘脑-垂体DA神经系统的DA含量影响不明显, 显著增加DOPAC含量及该脑区的DA更新率。(-)SPD既不显著影响中脑-前额叶和中脑-扣带回的DA含量, 也不影响其中DOPAC含量, 表明它不影响这些脑区DA更新率。

关键词: 左旋千金藤啶碱; 多巴胺受体; 突触前反馈; 多巴胺; 更新率

Effect of (-) stepholidine on dopamine turnover in various brain regions

He Yufang, Huang Kaixing, Jin Guozhang

Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai 200031


(-)SPD (10mg/kg, ip) did not significantly affect the Da contents in the striatum, olfactory bulb, N. accumbens, substantia nigra, ventral tegmentum area, N. amygdala, hypothalamus, pituitary, piriform cortex, but did markedly increase the DOPAC levels in these brain areas or nuclei, and thus increase the DA turnover (DOPAC/DA). However, (-) SPD (10mg/kg, ip) did not significantly affect either the Da contents or DOPAC levels in the prefrontal cortex and cingulate cortex, thus leaving the DA turnover in these areas unchanges. These results indicated that (-) SPD did affect the nigro-striatal, midbrainlimbic and hypothalamus-pituitary DA systems, but not the midbrain-cortex DA system.

Key words: Stepholidine;Dopamine receptors;Presynaptic receptors;Dopamine turnover ;

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贺毓芳, 黄开星, 金国章. 左旋千金藤啶碱对不同脑区DA更新率的影响[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (5): .

He Yufang, Huang Kaixing, Jin Guozhang. Effect of (-) stepholidine on dopamine turnover in various brain regions. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).