ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



潘胜军, 周兆年

中科院上海生理研究所低氧生理开放实验室. 上海 200031


在分离的豚鼠心室肌细胞上应用制霉菌素全细胞记录技术, 可减少“Run Down”现象 , 内向L-型钙电流可保持稳定达100min以上。应用制霉菌素全细胞记录技术, 急性低氧10min, L-型钙电流被抑制, 电压-电流曲线上移。复氧10min后, 内向钙电流不能恢复 , 峰值低于对照水平。 

关键词: 自由基; 皮层; 海马; 低氧; α-苯基-N-叔丁基甲亚胺-N-氧化物

Effect of acute hypoxia on L-type calcium current of the ventricular myocytes of guinea-pig

Pan Shengjun, Zhou Zhaonian

Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai 200031


With nystatin-whole cell recording, the L-type calcum current after 10min acute hypoxia (Po_(2)4±0.7kPa) was inhibited (peak amplitude decreased) and the I-V relation was shifted upward. The inward calcium current showed no recovery after 10min reoxygenation. The peak amplitude was lower than that of the control. The results suggested that the decrease of action potential duration (APD) under acute hypoxia was not only due to increase of outward potassium current, but also to decrease of inward calcium current. All these phenomena may be related to some inhibition of phosphorylation of the L-type calcium channel in the cardiadc cells under hypoxia.

Key words: Free radicals;Cortex;Hippocampus;Hypoxia;#alpha#-phenyl-ter butylnitrone

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潘胜军, 周兆年. 急性低氧对豚鼠心室肌细胞L型钙通道的影响[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (5): .

Pan Shengjun, Zhou Zhaonian. Effect of acute hypoxia on L-type calcium current of the ventricular myocytes of guinea-pig. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).