孙复川, 宓为群, 方烈义
中科院上海生理研究所. 上海 200031
当双脉冲之间的时间间隔较长时, 瞳孔产生两次收缩反应; 当时间间隔小于约0.6s时, 瞳孔只对第一个脉冲光刺激产生瞬态收缩, 对第二个脉冲光刺激不产生反应。不仅证实了单眼实验研究的结论, 同时分眼刺激实验结果也揭示了这种最小时间间隔的限制, 不 是视网膜的适应性造成, 这种离散采样特性必定是由视交叉以后的中枢神经部位所决定 。
关键词: 瞳孔; 瞳孔反应; 分眼刺激; 采样控制; 生物控制
The central basis of discrete sampling behavior in the human pupillary control system
Sun Fuchuan, Mi Weiqun, Fang Lieyi
Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai 200031
The human pupillary control system was investigated with double-pulse light dichoptic stimulation to explore its discrete sampling behavior. In this dichoptic stimulating method, the first pulse of the double pulse light stimulated one eye, of which the pupil area was recorded, and the second pulse stimulated the other eye (the contralateral eye). The experiment data demonstrated that the pupillary control system requires a minimum time interval, approximately 0.6s, to elicit next transient response to the second light pulse, even though the two pulses were presented respectively to different eyes of the subject.
Key words: Pupil;Pupillary response;Dichoptic stimulating;Discrete sampling control; Biological control
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孙复川, 宓为群, 方烈义. 瞳孔控制系统采样特性的中枢机制[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (5): .
Sun Fuchuan, Mi Weiqun, Fang Lieyi. The central basis of discrete sampling behavior in the human pupillary control system. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).