吕敏, 魏顺光, 柴象枢
山东省医学科学院生理研究室. 山东,济南 250001
电刺激肾脏传入神经(ARN)可以引起血压下降、心率减慢、颈交感神经放电抑制等反应, ARN的兴奋还可使下丘脑的视上核、室旁核中的加压素(AVP)含量增加, 垂体中AVP含量 下降, 血浆AVP水平升高。硝普钠的降压实验和静脉注射AVP受体阻断剂AVPa的实验均证实了ARN兴奋可直接引起AVP释放的增加。通过去除迷走神经结状节、脊髓不同水平的横断等实验观察到兔ARN向中枢的投射途经可能是从T_(5)-L_(2)间进入脊髓并沿其上行的。
Effect of electrical stimulation of a fferent renal nerve on arterial blood pressure, heart rate and vasopressin in rabbits
Lu Min, Wei Shunguang, Cai Xiangshu
Department of Physiology, Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences. Jinan 250001,Shandong
During the course of the experiment, the pathway of ARN to central nerve system was also analyzed. The results showed that electrical stimulation of ARN to central nerve system was also analyzed. The results showed that electrical stimulation of ARN elicited significantly decrease of mean arteral blood pressure and heart rate as well as inhibition of cervical sympathetic nerve activity. In the event of the above physiological changes, the AVP concentration in supraoptic nucleus (SON), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and plasma was increased, but that in hypophysis was decreased. Injection of sodium nitropruside (SNP) or AVPa indicated that increase of AVP release was due directly to stimulatioin of ARN. Nodose ganglionectomy or transversal section of spinal cord at different levels suggested that the main afferent pathway of ARN to higher level of central nerve system entered into spinal cord at T_(5)-L_(2).
Key words: Afferent renal nerve;Vasopressin;Mean arteral blood pressure;Heart rate
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吕敏, 魏顺光, 柴象枢. 电刺激兔肾脏传入神经对血压、心率及加压素释放的影响[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (5): .
Lu Min, Wei Shunguang, Cai Xiangshu. Effect of electrical stimulation of a fferent renal nerve on arterial blood pressure, heart rate and vasopressin in rabbits. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).