ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



何湘平, 刘青松, 谢佐平, 刘传缋

军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所. 北京 100850;清华大学生物科学与技术系. 北京 100084


用全细胞电流箝测得下列平均值: 静息电位, -51±6mV; 输入阻抗, 1432±389M#OMEGA#; 时间常数, 130±32ms; 动作电位幅度, 96±10mV, 超射值, 42±6mV。培养早期即 可记录到自发或诱发的动作电位, 大多数动作电位后跟随快或慢的后超极化电位。在电 压箝状态下可分别记录到电压门控钠、钾、钙通道电流。钾电流以延迟整流型为主, 钙 电流只有高电压激活, 缓慢失活的L或N型, 未能记录到低电压激活, 快速失活的T型钙电流。

关键词: 颈上神经节; 交感神经元; 全细胞记录; 钠电流; 钾电流; 钙电流

Whole cell recording of sodium, potassium and calcium currents of cultured neonatal rat sympathetic neurons

He Xiangping, Liu Qingsong, Xie Zuoping, Liu Chuangui

Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences. Beijing 100850;China


Key words: Superior cervical ganglion;Sympathetic neurons;Patch-clamp;Sodium current; Potssium current;Calcium current

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何湘平, 刘青松, 谢佐平, 刘传缋. 培养的新生大鼠交感神经元膜电学性质及电压门控通道的膜片##研究[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (5): .

He Xiangping, Liu Qingsong, Xie Zuoping, Liu Chuangui. Whole cell recording of sodium, potassium and calcium currents of cultured neonatal rat sympathetic neurons. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).