ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q




北京农业大学生物学院植物生理室. 北京 100094


局部灼伤水田芥叶片可引起动作电波、变异电波和持续电波震荡在茎中传递。实验举出电波传递主通道为维管系统。由于水田芥的叶序为2/5, 灼伤叶片发出的电波首先传递到其维管束直接联接的第五叶片, 随后才传递给临近部位的叶片。若把灼伤叶片和茎节连接的维管束切断, 则茎中电波传递即被阻止。用胞内电极可以检测到基层组织的薄 壁细胞也有电波出现。

关键词: 水田芥; 动作电波; 变异电波; 维管系统; 灼伤

Vascular system is the main route of electrical wave transmission elicited by localized wounding in Nasturtium offcinale

Yuan Ming

Plant Physiology Laboratory, Biology College, Beijing Agricultural University. Beijing 100094


Electrical wave (EW) transmission in plant is caused by either action potential (AP) or variation potential (VP). Evidence is presented that the vascular system is the main route of burning-elicited transmission in watercress (nasturtionm officinale R. Br.). the transmitted EW could be AP. VP, or Ap-VP complex, or a train of AP pulses. In accordance with the 2/5 phyllotaxy EW transmission took place preferentially from the burned leaf to the leaves with intervals of four leaves along the stem, which were connected directly with the same vascular strands, If vascular strands leading from the stem to the burned leaf were cut off at the junction, EW transmission from the leaf to the stem was blocked. Similar EW could be detected from the constiuent cells of the ground parenchyma cells with the intracellular microelectrode.

Key words: Nasturtium officinale;Action potential;Variation potential;Vascular-system; Wounding

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袁明. 局部灼伤水田芥引起的电波传递以维管系统为主要通道[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (4): .

Yuan Ming. Vascular system is the main route of electrical wave transmission elicited by localized wounding in Nasturtium offcinale. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).