ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



施建忠, 王天铎

中科院上海植物生理研究所. 上海 200032


将光强、温度和土壤水势等环境因子对植物光合、呼吸、同化物运输及生长等生理过程的影响结合起来, 并考虑到各生理过程之间的交互作用, 建立了一个营养生长期内植物条根比变化及对环境因子综合响应的模型。模型的运行结果表明, 该模型与许多实验现象均相吻合。

关键词: 条根比; 环境因子; 数学模型

Simulation of shoot/root ratio changes during vegetative phase and as affected by environmental factors

Shi Jianzhong, Wang Tianduo

Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai 200032


By simulating some physiological processes--photosynthesis, respiration, translocation, growth and others--together with their interactions, a model has been constructed which can predict the change in shoot/root ration during the vegetative phase under the influence of several environmental factors. The results of the running of the model show that it can predict well the allometric growth of shoot and root, the decrease of shoot/root ratio with increasing irradiance and decreasing soil water potential, and the change of shoot/root ratio with temperature.

Key words: Shoot/root ratio;Environmental factor;Mathematical model

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施建忠, 王天铎. 营养生长期植物冠根比及其对环境因子的响应[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (4): .

Shi Jianzhong, Wang Tianduo. Simulation of shoot/root ratio changes during vegetative phase and as affected by environmental factors. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).