ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



严文梅, 张伟成, 郑弘

中科院上海植物生理研究所. 上海 200032


经电视显微镜活体观察与录象分析发现, 凤眼莲柱头乳突细胞中活跃的胞质流动呈两种不同的运动方式, 即带状胞质与大颗粒的集流涌动和胞质纤索波动与细颗粒的循索迁移。以微管(MT)、微丝(MF)专一性抑制剂APM和CB处理, 结合卡马氏蓝染色显示胞质骨架结构, 进而证实胞质流动具有双重运转机制, 细胞内由MT与MF组成的柱状集索骨架与胞质流动密切有关。集索中MT与MF的相互配合与共存对胞质的集流涌动是必不可少的; 而纤索的波动迁移则不受MT的制约, 主要由MF独立支撑, 在使MT遭破坏的处理下, 细颗粒的循索迁移仍然进行。

关键词: 胞质流动; 细胞骨架; 柱头; 凤眼莲

The dual transport system of cytoplasmic streaming in stigma papillae in relation to the cytoskeletal framework in Eichhornia crassipes

Yan Wenmei, Zhang Weicheng, Zheng Hong

Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai 200032


Cytoplasmic streaming in stigma papillae of Eichhornia crassipes has been studied with video-microscopy. Two kinds of movement can be distinguished which are carried out by different transport systems: a mass flow of cytoplasmic bands with numerous granules attached to them and an energetic undulation of cytoplasmic strands with small particles moving along the thin cablest. the cytoplasmic fragments and granules move with mass flow at a velocity of 10-20#mu#m/s and the velocity of particle movement is only 3-6#mu#m/s, much lower than the former. Evidences obtained by treatment with anti-microtubule (amiprophousmethyl, APM) and anti-microfilament (cytochalasin B, CB) agents combined with Coomassie blue staining to show the cytoskeleton revealed further that different configurations of cytoskeleton of papillae are responsibele for the two different transport mechanisms.

Key words: Cytoplasmic streaming;Cytoskeleton;Stigma;Eichhorria crassipes

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严文梅, 张伟成, 郑弘. 凤眼莲柱头细胞中胞质流动的双重运转机制及其与细胞骨架的关系[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (4): .

Yan Wenmei, Zhang Weicheng, Zheng Hong. The dual transport system of cytoplasmic streaming in stigma papillae in relation to the cytoskeletal framework in Eichhornia crassipes. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).