ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



商鸿生, 张慧, 李振岐

西北农业大学植物保护系. 陕西,杨陵 712100


小麦条锈菌毒性小种及其无毒性突变型侵染初期, 呈不亲和反应的小麦叶片内可翻译mRNA水平迅速增加, 而呈亲和反应叶片的增加幅度小且滞后。同时前者的Poly(A~(+)-RNA水平高于未接种对照, 后者低于对照。~(32)P标记实验证实不亲和反应叶片Poly (A~(+)-RNA的合成增加早于亲和反应叶片。Poly (A~(+)-RNA体外翻译产物经SDS-PAGE分离后, 放射自显影图谱显示一些多肽条带的~(35)S-Met相对掺 入量有定量差异。

关键词: 小麦条锈病; 不亲和与亲和反应; 体外翻译 Poly[A~(+)]-RNA; RNA合成; 可翻译RNA水平

Changes of translatable mRNA in wheat primary leaves at the initial stage of stripe rust infection

Shang Hongsheng, Zhang Hui, Li Zhenqi

Department of Plant Protection, Northwesten Agricultural University. Yangling 712100,Shaanxi


At the initial stage of infection of wheat (Triticumm aestivum) L. cv. Lovrin No13) by a virulent race (CY29) and its avirulent mutant (CY 29-mut3) of stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) west), a rapid increase in translatable mRNA level in host leaves of incompatible combination and a delayed increase in host leaves of compatible combination were observed. Meanwhile, the former showed a higher level of Poly (A~(+)_-RNA and the later was lower than uninoculated control. ~(32)P in vivo) labelling experiment confirmed that the increase of Poly )A~(+)-RNA synthesis in host leaves of incompatible combination occurred earlier than that in the compatible combination. Autoradiography of one-dimensional SDS-PAGE seperation of Poly (A~(+)-RNA in vitro) translation products indicated that there were quantitative differences in the incorporation of ~(35)S-Met in polypeptides.

Key words: Wheat stripe rust;Incompetibility and competibility;In vitro translation;Poly [A~(+)]-RNA;RNA synthesis

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商鸿生, 张慧, 李振岐. 条锈菌侵染初期小麦初生叶内可翻译mRNA的变化[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (3): .

Shang Hongsheng, Zhang Hui, Li Zhenqi. Changes of translatable mRNA in wheat primary leaves at the initial stage of stripe rust infection. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).