ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



陆萍, 张福锁

北京农业大学. 北京 100094


白羽扇豆在缺磷或缺铁条件下均有排根形成, 并且根系还原力显著增加。缺磷、缺铁 根系还原力在高峰期分别高于对照。缺磷与缺铁根系还原力高峰不仅出现的时期不同, 而且还原力增加部位也不一样。缺磷处理的排根区具有很高的还原力, 缺铁处理还原力 较高的部位是在主根和侧根的根尖以及排根区。由于Mn~(4+)比Fe~(3+)更易被 还原, 致使根系还原力提高促使根际大量锰被还原, 这是缺磷和缺铁造成白羽扇豆锰中 毒的主要原因之一。

关键词: 白羽扇豆; 缺磷; 缺铁; 根系还原力; 排根; 锰中毒

Mechanism of manganese toxicity induced by P-or Fe-deficiency in Lupinus albus L.

Lu Ping, Zhang Fusuo

Beijing Agricultural University. Beijing 100094


Under P-or Fe-deficiency stress lupin plant formed proteoid root, the reducing ability of root in the rhizosphere increased markedly. Compared with the control plants, the Fe (III)-reducing ability of the root in P-and Fe-deficient plants increased 2.1 and 3.5 times, respectively. The peak of reducing ability of root induced by P-deficiency appeared at different stage of growth from that induced by Fe-deficiency. The position of the zone with increased reducing ability on the root apex was also different. In P-deficient plants, proteoid roots had much higher reducing ability, but in Fe-deficient plant, apical zones also had higher reducing ability.

Key words: White lupin;P-deficiencey;Fe-deficiency;Root reducing ability;Proteoid root;Mn-toxicity

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陆萍, 张福锁. 缺磷或缺铁引起白羽扇豆锰中毒的机理[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (3): .

Lu Ping, Zhang Fusuo. Mechanism of manganese toxicity induced by P-or Fe-deficiency in Lupinus albus L.. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).