ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



周有院, 吴遵彪, 刘幼琪, 杨毅

湖北大学生物系. 湖北,武汉 430062


用MS+2,4-D0.1mg/L为基本培养基, 分别附加不同浓度的ZT、BA和KT, 对石竹叶片、 茎和花萼外植体直接再分化成花芽的试验表明: 叶片的外植体在有BA时可再分化出只有 红色花瓣的不正常花芽; 在含ZT的培养基中再分化出具有1-2片叶或无叶的花芽, 其花有两性花, 雌花和仅单个雌蕊的不正常花, 两性花可发育成结籽的果实; KT未能诱导花 芽分化。茎外植体, 3种CTK都不能诱导出花芽。花萼外植体仅在KT3mg/L的培养基中再分化出无叶的不正常花芽, ZT和BA的处理均不能诱导出花芽。

关键词: 外植体; CTK; ZT; BA; KT; 愈伤组织

Mechanism of direct redifferentiation of flower bud from explant of Dianthus chinensis L. by cytokinin inducement

Zhou Youyuan, Wu Zunbiao, Liu Youqi, Yang Yi

Department of Biology, Hubei University. Wuhan 430062,Hubei


Using the MS+2,4-D 0.1mg/L as the basic culture medium to which different concentration of zeation, benzylaminopurine and kinetin were added. Direct differentiation of blade, stem and calys explant to flower bud was studied. The results show that the kind and dosage of hormone or growth regulating substance are dicisive factors in inducing flower differentiation. But the response to hormone or growth regulating substance is different for different parts of explants. On the other hand, if the blooing condition is given, the callus can by pass through the vegetative growing stage and form directly the reproductive stage and differentiate to form flower bud with no leaf.

Key words: Explant;Cytokinin;Zeatin;Benzylaminopurine;Kinetin;Callus tissue

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周有院, 吴遵彪, 刘幼琪, 杨毅. 几种细胞分裂素诱导石竹外植体直接再分化成花芽的机理[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (3): .

Zhou Youyuan, Wu Zunbiao, Liu Youqi, Yang Yi. Mechanism of direct redifferentiation of flower bud from explant of Dianthus chinensis L. by cytokinin inducement. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).