ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



沈炳福, 竺海蓉, 李捷

中科院上海植物生理研究所. 上海 200032


采用籼稻C5444和粳稻秀水-04进行固氮菌接种试验, 生长至扬花后期取样分析表明, 接种固氮菌能促进水稻的生长和植株含氮量的增加。接种耐氨固氮工程菌NG1390的植株 其生物量、总氮和固氮率超过接种野生型NG13的水稻。E2613接种C5444也获得类似的结 果。应用~(15)N同位素稀释法证明了固氮菌接种水稻形成的联合固氮体系, 存在细 菌的固氮作用, 而植株中氮素成分的增加可能来自细菌固定的氮。

关键词: 联合固氮; 耐氨固氮菌; 水稻

Response of rice to inoculation with genetic engineered strains of associative diazotrophs

Shen Bingfu, Zhu Hairong, Li Jie

Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai 200032


The effect of inoculation with Klebsiella oxytoca}** NG1390 and Enterobacter choacae) E2613 on the amount of nitrogen fixed was examinde on the ricebacteria association in pots in a greenhouse. NG 1390 and E2613 were shown to be able to fix N in the presence of ammonium in he medium. Upon inoculation with NG1390 or E2613, plant growth was higher than that of NG13-or E26-inoculated plant The effective nitrogen fixing rate (Nd-fa%) was in the range of 19.0%-21.4%. Assay by ~(15)N-dilution technique indicated that N increment in plant might be due to N fixation. The inoculation with genetically improved Klebsiella) and Enterobacter) enhanced associative nitrogen fixation of rice-bacteria in the rhizosphere.

Key words: Association diazotroph;Nitrogen fixation;Rice

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沈炳福, 竺海蓉, 李捷. 水稻对耐氨固氮工程菌株的响应[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (3): .

Shen Bingfu, Zhu Hairong, Li Jie. Response of rice to inoculation with genetic engineered strains of associative diazotrophs. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).