ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



方海立, 王玲, 杨英魁, 朱文玉

北京医科大学生理系. 北京 100083


离体培养新生大鼠胰岛细胞用IL-1#beta#(5-20U/ml)处理20h后, 可使胰岛细胞在高糖(20mmol/L)刺激下的胰岛素释放量明显降低。对IL-1#beta#处理后的胰岛给予睾酮(10~(-10)mol/L), 则能反转IL-1#beta#的抑制效应, 并且睾酮不仅增加胰岛素分泌, 而且还可使进胰岛细胞内胰岛素的含量增加。图3表2参8

关键词: 睾酮; 白细胞介素-1β; 胰岛素

Inhibitory effect of interleukin-1#beta# on insulin release from isolated rat pancreatic islets and the reversal action of testosterone

Fang Haili, Wang Ling, Yang Yingkui, Zhu Wenyu

Department of Physiology, Beijing Medical University. Beijing 100083


Insulin releaxse from pancreatic islet cells of neonatal rats could be markedly inhibited by a previous incubation of cells with interleukin--1#beta (5---20U/ml) for 20h even under high glucose (20mmol/L) stimulation. this inhibitory effect of IL--1#beta# on insulin release could be reversed by testosteron (10~(-10)mol/L), which was accompanied by an increase of the insulin content in islet cells.

Key words: Interleukin-1β;Insulin;Testosterone

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方海立, 王玲, 杨英魁, 朱文玉. 白细胞介素-1#beta#对胰岛素分泌的抑制及睾酮的反转作用[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (3): .

Fang Haili, Wang Ling, Yang Yingkui, Zhu Wenyu. Inhibitory effect of interleukin-1#beta# on insulin release from isolated rat pancreatic islets and the reversal action of testosterone. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).