ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



徐竹筠, 王彤宇, 何美瑛, 唐锡华

中科院植物生理研究所. 上海 200032


水稻离体培养的体细胞胚(SE)与整体植株合子胚(ZE)的蛋白质组分相似, 约有17条多肽的分子量相同, 其中67-94kD范围的多肽在非胚性愈伤组织(NE)中均很弱, 39、47、60kD多肽 在NE中未发现。SE的游离氨基酸组成与ZE也相似, 占优势的氨基酸为Asp、Glu、Ala、Lys, 在分化后期Arg含量也有提高, 而NE中则均较低。在两种类型的胚中都存在凝集素类物质, 而在无胚状体形成的NE中则未发现。图版1图4表4参13

关键词: 水稻; 体细胞胚; 合子胚; 非胚性愈伤组织; 蛋白质; 氨基酸; 血凝活性

Some biochemical characteristics of rice somatic and zygotic embryos

Xu Zhuyun, Wang Tongyu, He Meiying, Tang Xihua

Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai 200032


an analysis of protein extracts by SDS--polymacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the protein composition was simliar in zygotic embryos (ZE) and the somatic embryos (SE) of rice cultured in vitro. About 17 bands were identical in the two embryo types according to their molecular weights. Among these bands, 67---94 kD polypeptides were present in much lower amounts in nenembryogenic calli (NE), and 39, 47 and 60 kD polypeptides were absent from NE. The amino acid components of free amino acid pool were also similar in ZE (7 d after anthesis) and SE. The predominant amino acids were Asp, Glu, Ala and Lys, and the Arg content increased in both embryos types during a later stage of differentiation, whereas the contents of these amino acids were lower in NE. In addition, it was found that the lectin--like substance occurred in both embryo types, but no hemagglutination activity was found in extracts from NE without embryoids.

Key words: Rice;Somatic embryo;Zygotic embryo;Non-embryogenic callus;Protein;Amino acid;Hemagglutination activity

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徐竹筠, 王彤宇, 何美瑛, 唐锡华. 水稻离体体细胞胚与合子胚的某些生化特性的比较[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (1): .

Xu Zhuyun, Wang Tongyu, He Meiying, Tang Xihua. Some biochemical characteristics of rice somatic and zygotic embryos. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).