ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王明江, 黄承钧, 张功寿

郧阳医学院生理学教研室. 湖北, 十堰 442000;同济医科大学生理学教研室. 湖北, 武汉


以动脉血压和心率作为指标, 在氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉、三碘季铵酚制动、呼吸机控制呼吸的SD大鼠上, 观察到侧脑室内注射五肽胃泌素(G_(5), 4#mu#g)后动脉血压升高, 心率增加 。而侧脑室注射生理盐水或iv同剂量的G_(5)对上述指标均无影响。侧脑预先注射#alpha#受体阻断剂酚妥拉明(10#mu#g),可部分拮抗G_(5),对血压和心率的增加效应; 而预先注射#beta#受体阻断剂心得安(4#mu#g)或M受体阻断剂阿托品(4#mu#g)对G_(5)的血压和心率增加效应均无影响。结果表明G_(5)具有中枢性升高动脉血压和心率的作用, 此作用可能部分由脑内#alpha#受体介导。图3参14

关键词: 五肽胃泌素; 侧脑室; 血压; 心率; 酚妥拉明

Effects of pentagastrin with intracerebro-ventricular injection on blood pressure and heart rate in rats

Wang Mingjiang, Huang Chengjun, Zhang Gongshou

Department of Physiology, Yunyang Medical College. Shiyan 442000, Hubei;China


Experiments were carried out on 84 artifially ventilated SD rats anaesthetized with urethane and immobilized with gallamine triethiodide. Injection of pentagastrin (G_(5)) into the rat lateral ventride resulted in a marked elevation in arterial blood pressure which reached its peak at 3 min (from 12.2±1.5 to 14.1 ±1.7kPa) and also a significant increase in heart rate from 435±53.2 beats/min. This effect of G_(5)could be parially antagonized by injection of phentolaine (#alpha# antagonist, 10#mu#g) into the lateral ventricle, but not by propanolol (#beta receptor antagonist, 4#mu#g) or atropine (M--receptor antagonist, 4#mu#g). These findings indicate that the central effect of G_(5)on blood pressure and heart rate is partly mediated by #alpha#--receptor.

Key words: Pentagstrin;Intracerebro-ventricular;Blood pressure;Heart rate;Phentolamine

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王明江, 黄承钧, 张功寿. 侧脑室内注射五肽胃泌素对大鼠血压和心率的影响[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (3): .

Wang Mingjiang, Huang Chengjun, Zhang Gongshou. Effects of pentagastrin with intracerebro-ventricular injection on blood pressure and heart rate in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).