ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


外源激素对诱导风信子(Hyacinthus orientalis L.)同一花被外植体不同部位细胞分化花芽的影响

夏小娣, 陆文liang

天津市蔬菜研究所. 天津 300381;中科院植物研究所. 北京 100044


风信子同一花被不同部位细胞均能分化花芽。当MS培养基中附加2.0mg/L的zeatin/或6-BAP时, 随着外源IAA浓度从0升高到10.0mg/L, 花芽分化部位由花被下部向上部移动。图版1图2表5参10

关键词: 风信子; 花芽; 外源激素; 内部激素

Effects of exogenous hormones on the regeneration of floral buds from cells in different positions of the same perianth of Hyacunthus orientalis L.

Xia Xiaodi, Lu Wenliang

Tianjin Vegetable Research Institute. Tianjin 300381


The effect of different combinations and concentrations of exogenous hormones on differentiation of floral buds from cells in different positions on the same perianth explants were studied, and the contents of internal IAA and Z+ZR in different of postitions of the same perianth were analyzed. The results of experiment showed that all cells in the upper, middle and lower parts of the sameperianth explant could be induced to differentiate floral bud, but with different frequencies under different concentrations of growth hormones or growth regulators.

Key words: Hyacinthus orsvsdtstis L;Floral bud;Exopnous hormoen;Endogenous hormone

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夏小娣, 陆文liang. 外源激素对诱导风信子(Hyacinthus orientalis L.)同一花被外植体不同部位细胞分化花芽的影响[J]. 生理学报 1995; 47 (1): .

Xia Xiaodi, Lu Wenliang. Effects of exogenous hormones on the regeneration of floral buds from cells in different positions of the same perianth of Hyacunthus orientalis L.. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).