ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


光同化产物在裙带菜(Undaria pinnatifida])中的运转

孟建新, 吴超元

中科院海洋研究所. 山东, 青岛(266071)


报道了用~(14)C标记的光同化产物在裙带菜孢子体中的运转现象。观察到光同化产物约需20min才能从叶片表皮进入中肋的髓部。在自然条件下, 光同化产物主要自叶片梢部经 中肋向生长部运转, 在叶片梢部和生长部之间存在明显的源-库关系。运转速度约为42-48cm/h。用组织放射自显影的方法证实了髓部的喇叭丝是主要的运转组织, 向下运转的溶于 酒精的光同化产物中, 甘露醇占50%以上。还在光同化产物中观察到游离的谷氨酸、天门冬 氨酸和丙氨酸。图5参28

关键词: 裙带菜; 光同化产物运转

Translocation of photosynthates in Undaria pinnatifida

Meng Jianxin, Wu Chaoyuan

Institute of Oceanology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. Qingdao, Shandong


Analysis of the samples from different parts of the blade and the counterparts exposed to tracer (NaH~(14)CO_(3))showed that translocation occurred mainly from the tip of the blade to the growing region with an apparent source-sink relationship. It took 20 min to translocate the labelled photosynthates from the epidermis, via cortex, to the medulla of the midrib. In the midrib, rates of translocation averaging 42~48cm/h were observed in the open sea. After being freeze-sectioned and freezedried, the samples were used in the study on the pathway of translocation in the midrib by autoradiographic method. It was found that most photosynthates were confined to trumpet-shaped cells in medulla. These data in dicate that the conduction of photosyn-thates takes place in the medulla and trumpet-shaped cells are the main conducting elements. Of the alcohol-soluble photosynthates translocated downward, more than 50% was found to be mannitol. Free amino acids such as Glu, Asp and Ala were also found in the ~(14)C-labelled photosynthates.

Key words: Undaria;Pinnatifida translocation photosynthate

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孟建新, 吴超元. 光同化产物在裙带菜(Undaria pinnatifida])中的运转[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (4): .

Meng Jianxin, Wu Chaoyuan. Translocation of photosynthates in Undaria pinnatifida. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).