ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



袁祥鹏, 林树新, 原世麟, 秦秉志, 马丹

第四军医大学病理生理学教研室. 陕西,西安(710032);第四军医大学解剖学教研室. 陕西,西安(710032);第四军医大学神经生物学教研室. 陕西,西安(710032)


用ABC免疫组化法对SD大鼠肺动脉全层漂染, 结果显示有亮氨酸脑啡肽(L-ENK)阳性纤维走 行于动脉壁外膜中。放免法测得大鼠、兔肺动脉壁含L-ENK, 含量(pg/mg组织湿重)分别为439.18±30.52, 29.9±1.4。离体灌流的兔肺动脉螺旋条, 经参数I电场刺激可引起收缩反应, α受体阻断剂酚妥拉明可阻断之; α_(2)受体阻断剂育亨宾小剂量增强收缩反应, 大剂量则抑制; 阿片受体阻断剂纳洛酮可使收缩反应增强。应用酚妥拉明后, 参数Ⅱ电场仍能引起较高的收缩反应, 纳洛酮对此收缩无影响。外源性NE引起肺动脉条收缩, L-ENK对之无抑制效应。结果提示, 肺动脉壁含有内源性L-ENK, 可因电场刺激而释放, 由阿片受体介导 抑制动脉壁神经末梢NE释放, 进而抑制血管收缩, 对血管平滑机本身活动及已释放NE均无抑制效应。图6参15

关键词: 亮氨酸脑啡肽; 肺动脉; 去甲肾上腺素; 免疫组化; 放免分析; 电场刺激

Distribution, content and action site of leucine-enkephalin in pulmonary artery wall of rat and rabbit

Yuan Xiangpeng, Lin Shuxin, Yuan Shilin, Qin Bingzhi, Ma Dan

Department of Pathophysiology, Fourth Military Medical University. Xi^an,Shaanxi;China(710032);Department of Neurobiology, Fourth Military Medical University. Xi^an,Shaanxi


Using immunohistochemical method to investigate the distribution of peptidergic fibers in the pulmonary artery wall of SD rat, L-enkephalin immunoreactive (L-ENKir)fibers were easily demonstrated. The contents of L-ENK in pulmonary artery of rat and rabbit measured by radioimmunoassay were respectively 439.18±30.52 and 29.9±1.4(pg/mg of wet tissue). Contraction of superfused strips of pulmonary artery of rabbit could be evoked by parameter I electric field stimulation. The response was blocked by #alpha#-receptor antagonist phentolamine. Alpha2-receptor antagonist Yohimbine enhanced the response in small doses(0.06-0.12#mu#mol/L), while inhibited in large (3.2#mu#mol/L). The contraction could also be enhanced when the artery strips were preincubated with naloxone. After the #alpha#-receptors were blocked with phentolamine, stronger contraction could still be evoked by parameter Ⅱ electric field stimulation and the response was not affected by naloxone. L-ENK had no effect on the contraction evoked by exogenous NE. It demonstrate that enkephalin presented in the pulmonary artery wall are released by electric field stimulation. Enkephalin may reduce the release of NE from.......

Key words: Leucine-enkephalin;Pulmonary artery;Norepinephrine;Immunohistochemistry; Radioimmunoassay;Electric field stimulation

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袁祥鹏, 林树新, 原世麟, 秦秉志, 马丹. 大鼠、兔肺动脉壁亮氨酸脑啡肽的分布、含量及其作用途径[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (4): .

Yuan Xiangpeng, Lin Shuxin, Yuan Shilin, Qin Bingzhi, Ma Dan. Distribution, content and action site of leucine-enkephalin in pulmonary artery wall of rat and rabbit. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).